We Saw The Wiggles

Wiggles Hammersmith Apollo by Silver Ash Photography

The Wiggles at Hammersmith Apollo by Rosanna Ashworth-Jones at Silver Ash Photography

I’ve blogged about it elsewhere, but thought I’d do a brief summary here of things I wish I’d known.

• a door open time of 3pm does not mean the auditorium opens at that time. Try to get there half an hour beforehand and you wont be packed into a small area!

• driving is better than going on the train if your naptimes wont work. A cranky toddler at a Wiggles gig does not work. A refreshed toddler ready to jump around for an hour or so does.

• Watch those DVDs yourself, as don’t think you’re getting off scotch-free parent. At least learn the dances, it helps. Your child will have less of a disappointed look towards you when you know how to ‘Do The Monkey’ (and so on)

• Take food for yourself too. You’ll forget and take snacks for your little one then end up stealing their Pom Bears (if you don’t already). Take water too.

• Don’t forget to make a bone for Wags and a flower for Dorothy. If you’re really lucky you may even meet a Wiggle in the process.

• They really don’t have time for photos, but you can stand in line and take a photo of them collecting things which is much nicer.

• You don’t need earplugs if you have to wear them for gigs like I do. Toddler-volumed gigs are the way forward. Bring it on.

• You can take posh cameras into the show. Having said that, the two or three song rule like at regular gigs goes right out of the window. No flash though please!

• If you want to meet a Wiggle, then we found the aisle seats were the best ones, or seats where there’s a gangway. Failing that, they do eventually come out of the building. You can convince your kids that in a few more years they’ll be doing it on their own for the latest teen heartthrob pop star (or band or whatever).

• The merch stands are there to lure you in. If you’re lucky they’ll be cash-only but if you’re unlucky then they’ll take cards. It’s all lovely and bright and colourful and quite expensive too (for some things). There’s also some great bargains at a fantastic price – we love the Eco bags – at £2 that’s a really good price too. Can’t wait to do the weekly shop…

I think that’ll do. Did you see The Wiggles? Do you have any top tips? Let us know!


    1. Yay! I can’t take credit for the photo – it’s all Rosie’s – it’s fantastic isn’t it? I can’t quite believe we finally got to see them – glad we did though!


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