Peppa Pig The Golden Boots Review

This morning, H and I travelled to Leicester Square, stood in the cold and then walked the pink carpet outside the Odeon – as it was the official premiere of the Peppa Pig special which is showing at most cinemas this half term – including the new 15 minute episode – here’s our review of The Golden Boots!

Peppa Pig Golden Boots

I’m not going to give much away – but I think it helps knowing what to expect when you go to the cinema – you see, you’re getting almost an hour of Peppa fun, featuring classic episodes, and of course the 15 minute long extended special, The Golden Boots.

The first thing you’re aware of, Peppa Pig has been going for ten years now – I’m assuming this is a one-off to commemorate this, bringing all the old favourites back. But how do they extend a five minute episode into three times its length without becoming boring? Peppa’s charm is the short episodes, easy chunks to follow especially for a preschooler.

The Golden Boots starts with a song – one about splashing in muddy puddles, set to the Peppa theme – so already you’re onto a winner. The Milkshake presenters devise a little dance to it afterwards, and encourage you to join in – and it does feature a couple of times in the episode. Peppa and her friends leave their wellies outside when they go in to have a drink – and Mrs Duck comes along and steals them.

Then the fun starts – once they work out what has happened, they need them back – it’s the Muddy Puddle jumping competition, and Peppa can’t take part without her Golden Boots – even though Suzy Sheep says they’re yellow.

They try to find the boots which take them over several places, land, sea, the moon, to try and get them back in time for the competition. Will they make it? Well, let’s face it, as a parent who has probably seen most Peppa episodes, there hasn’t been one with a sad ending yet…

The episode features all your favourite Peppa characters, and flew by. The applause afterwards confirmed it – a hit with all the kids there (and us adults too, okay?).

As a parent watching my child watching the Peppa episode, she laughed along, enjoyed herself and had fun – and I know we’re probably at the older age range now for this. Rewind back to when she was two, and this is the kind of thing I’d have made sure we went to see at the cinema as a first experience – at an hour it isn’t too long, there are older episodes in there (The Fire Engine, Baby Alexander, Whistling, Snowy Mountain and The Queen) with plenty of in-between chat from the Milkshake presenters. Plus of course, it’s Peppa; plenty of familiarity there.

The Golden Boots is exclusive to cinema’s over the February half term – week commencing the 14th February 2015. Odeon are offering children’s prices for all tickets too – good, as it’s so short!


  1. Oh you went!! My daughters would have loved this. How cool they had a pink carpet. I’ll have to take the girls to see it over half term. Very jealous. xxx


    1. It was great too – I know it’s probably one of the last Peppa things we’ll do, but it was worth it – H loved it! Definitely take the girls – they’ll love it too! xx


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