I’m always on the lookout for books which will help H at school. While her literacy and numeracy skills are way above her age, I wanted to make sure we had books on hand for her to practice when she felt like it. We were offered the chance to review some Carol Vorderman Workbooks from DK, so I put H to the test.
Carol Vorderman Workbooks from DK cover literacy and numeracy. We were sent three books to try from the range, ’10 Minutes a Day Spelling Fun’, ’10 Minutes a Day Maths’ and ‘Made Easy Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar’.
I’ve decided to break down what each of the Carol Vorderman Workbooks has inside. English Made Easy aims to boost skills by taking the timed challenges and is written and compiled by experts – award-winning editor Linda Ruggieri and Consultant, Claire White. There are over 60 pages of puzzles to work through, and each ten minute section is across two pages.
Maths Made Easy helps develop strong maths habits – its Consultant is primary school head teacher Sean McArdle who has written maths textbooks and workbooks. Again, it’s two pages per ten minute challenge and covers a wide range of numeracy puzzles with over 60 pages.
The two ’10 Minutes’ books come with a timer attached to the cover. You can pause the timer if you need to, and at ten minutes it beeps to let you know your time is up.
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar Made Easy comes without a timer – and of the three books H preferred this one. Each challenge is still across two pages, but you get a gold star to stick when they’re completed, which possibly says more about the way she responds to this kind of work! It is fully linked to the new National Curriculum, and helps support classroom learning. I found H works through this one the quickest of the three Carol Vorderman Workbooks.
I found the puzzles were the kinds of things she has been getting for Home Learning each week, so it was familiar territory – plus her punctuation, spelling and grammar is pretty good anyway.
The Carol Vorderman workbooks from DK are a great reinforcement for subjects learnt at school, and support KS1 (and KS2 for the older titles) and are designed to help your child practice schoolwork in a fun way.
Personally, I think all three Carol Vorderman Workbooks are good additions to her learning – and it was interesting to see how seriously she took the timed books, yet how relaxed she was about the other. To find out more about 10 Minutes A Day Spelling Fun and 10 Minutes A Day Vocabulary and further education titles by Carol Vorderman, visit dk.com. You can follow DK Books on Twitter at @dkbooks
We were sent the three Carol Vorderman Workbooks for the purpose of review, all opinions are our own.