I signed up for the Oral-B Love Your Gums Challenge at BritMums, and was sent a full size tube of new Oral-B Pro-Expert Premium Gum Protection toothpaste to try.
Quite frankly, saying love your gums is something I should do more. My teeth are awful. They’re a mess. The back teeth have had gradually receding gums for as long as I can remember. Every time I’ve been to the dentist they’ve expressed concern but put it down to my age. My gums need some love and attention.
I’m great at getting H to the dentist, lesser so myself.
Every tooth of mine has something that has happened to it. The capped one at the front? Some random man punched me in a nightclub and knocked half of my tooth off. I spent more getting that tooth fixed than I ever got in compensation. The one which I avoid eating with at the back? Part of it fell out when I was pregnant with H, when my teeth were weaker. Throughout my teens and early twenties I would get a mouthful of ulcers and no toothpaste would make them go. I even resorted to salt toothpaste at one point. Horrid.
So Oral-B Pro-Expert Premium Gum Protection toothpaste claims to help your gums – hence this being a part of the Love Your Gums campaign. I have nothing to lose except my teeth. Sad but true. Bad gums = losing teeth in a nutshell. It’s pretty simple then, isn’t it?
On my lower left hand back teeth my gums are so sensitive that when I last went to the dentist they couldn’t touch it – they could see the teeth were fine but my gums were receding. I was told to concentrate on the tooth area so I decided to start here. My gums had a kind of hard border along them which I gently brushed using the toothpaste, and I really think that after a month it has made a difference. The lump is less hard, and best of all I’m using this toothpaste direct on the sensitive area with NO PAIN.
I was so impressed with this I headed straight to Superdrug and have stocked up on more tubes of Oral-B Pro-Expert Premium Gum Protection toothpaste as they’re on offer at the moment – if something works then it’s daft not to.
I want to come back to this in a few more months and report back, as I feel like I could make some progress with my mouth. I’m going to go back to the dentist after I’ve used this toothpaste for three months. Do you love your gums? If you’re in a similar position to me I’d really recommend trying this toothpaste out – it’s available in all good stores.
This post is an entry for BritMums’ #ORALBLoveYourGums Challenge sponsored by Oral-B, promoting healthy gums – something especially important for pregnant women. Get tips and advice on www.oralb-loveyourgums.com
I was provided with a tube of the toothpaste, all opinions are my own and honest. (and if you’re quick they may still be on offer at Superdrug too)