Australia is the other side of the world. We have half our family over there and finding a good price for flights can be hard. Step forward Momondo – a flight tracker which will tell you when is a good time to book and when it is more expensive.
Momondo is a flight tracker, and a really reliable one. We’re heading to Australia. Not for good, mind. Just a few weeks later in the year. The last time we travelled with H she was fifteen months and only just walking. This time she’ll be four and so very typically a four year old.
We hunted around for flights and it felt like something we couldn’t afford until we came across Momondo Flights – bookmark it, you’ll thank me for it. We were able to search across the dates we wanted to go and find the lowest priced flights, thanks to them showing in graph form at the top of the page. This is BRILLIANT. When it makes a difference of £500 pounds on a flight it’s not to be sniffed at.
You just put in the dates you want to fly and it’ll work out what is available and find the lowest price. Considering we tried several places which claim to do the same thing and only Momondo found cheaper flights with a good airline (Singapore Airlines). There are plenty of filters which help sort your flight so you can work on the number of changes (to Australia a minimum of one is unavoidable). It’s handy if you want to fly around a time when flights will go up (like around school holidays) too.
I logged onto the Singapore Airlines site and our booking is confirmed. I’m editing the booking to add additional information they’ll need from us.
My biggest concern now is that we only have 50 minutes at Changi Airport once we get to Singapore. Thinking rationally, they wouldn’t offer the flights if they weren’t doable. My panicked thinking is we’ll miss the connection by minutes (I’ve had that happen in the past).
Other than that, the big one is how to keep H entertained for twelve hours in the sky. Previous experiences with Emirates were interesting… For most of the twelve hours she’ll be sleeping thanks to us taking off at 10pm. So if you’ve kept a four year old occupied in the sky, do let me know! Oh, and any 50 minute turnarounds at Changi Airport stories would be good too. I know we’ll be in the same terminal. We will do it. We will we will we will.
Big thanks for Belinda for recommending Momondo to us!