Some people think us Brits are a bit weird. On the 5th November every year we go a bit crazy, watching many firework displays around the country. Shaun certainly thought it was a bit odd when he first arrived in the UK, but then again he also found pantomimes a bit odd too, so he had a lot to learn.
Anyway, the 5th November fell on a weekend for the first time in ages, and we decided not to visit our local display but to stand nearby and watch.
I had my camera at the ready, and this was my best shot. It isn’t brilliant as it’s so shaky, but I quite like it.
Next year I might take a tripod.. or just invest in something that can steady my hands a bit.
After the display we headed to a friends house and had food, wine, chat and fun – so much fun that we didn’t realise it was 10.30pm when it was. Time flies when you’re having fun.
The kids also had a firework display and sparklers. I love taking photos of sparklers when they’re moving. Next time I’ll get the kids to stand in line and do a letter each… that’d be interesting.
After a busy week with Halloween to Bonfire Night, I’m looking forward to a quieter one – although we’re now getting into Christmas, and preparing things there – mainly our Christmas Fair at school. Phew!