The Wiggles – 20 years older and three quarters set to retire
Very soon H and I are going to see The Wiggles live. We’re very excited about it as we only really got to know The Wiggles when we visited the in-laws in Australia in 2010 – with the new (but not as new as the New new) yellow Wiggle. However, we got back to the UK to find that The Wiggles Show was on Nick Jr every morning, so with the V+ programmed we got used to the old (proper) Wiggles with the original yellow Wiggle, Greg.
So soon ‘our’ Wiggles became the original Wiggles as it was meant to be. Just to add to the confusion Nick Jr started to show ‘Wiggle And Learn’ which featured new yellow Wiggle, but we were used to Greg.

The Wiggles with new-old-yellow Wiggle
So it was with a bit more excitement from us mums than actually from our kids when we found out there’d been some goings-on with The Wiggles, with original yellow rejoining the group, and new-now-old-yellow Wiggle (are you keeping up here?) no longer a Wiggle – and they were going to do a tour. I’d felt H was too young last year, so snapped up tickets the day they became available, rather excited to see the original line up. (n.b. see the following image, it’s not the original-original line up, as there’s only four of them these days)

Once upon a time there were five Wiggles and they were young but they didn’t have colour coded shirts
I mentioned to a friend how this felt like a final tour, and that I suspected something would be announced, and OH LOOK. Three Wiggles are retiring – so now there’s a New new yellow, a new purple and a new red – which makes me look forward even more to the shows coming up as it’s our first and last chance to see them. H, being almost three probably wont remember a thing.
One thing I do want her to remember if she does hold any memories in later life of it is that she still has her hearing.
Which brings me to my question – how loud is a Wiggles concert? I have to wear earplugs because of my tinnitus, and I’m bringing H up with a healthy attitude (I hope!) to protecting her ears. We own some KidProof ear defenders – am I being over the top to take those with us, or are the volumes at a Wiggles show much lower than your regular gig? (I’d hope so!) Which of course, in turn, may mean I don’t need earplugs either! Bonus!
Please let us know, anyway – I’m hoping it wont be too loud!
Hello! I’ve been to see them at least twice before – you definitely don’t need to wear ear defenders, it’s really very much quieter than a normal gig as totally aimed at toddlers! Don’t worry!!!
Murray come over to my husoe for sleepover and be tv nhgt afther besy come hare ;9am ;10am ;11am ;12pm ;1pm ;2pm ;3pm ;4pm ;5pm ;6pm ;7pm ;8pm ;9pm ;10pm ;11pm meet my 4 kids play with you see you a be tv show tohgt love julie
the sand mal cheek the wiggle mal box
Murray i want if Vist Auny she feeling and sick now if and if auny very sad about Murray
Murray if come over to my husoe for sleepover and afhter besy come hare; 5pm ;6pm ;7pm ;8pm ;9pm ;10pm ;11pm meet my 4 kids play with you if come nwe childerns hosptal if Dwon syerdome doll auny she haert sugery not wkring not woking not working not wking nt woking not working not woking not working not woking not working working not wking tbue noot working not wking not wking not working not woking and cheek sugery not wokring not working not working not working not working not working not wking not wrking not wrking not wroking not working not working not wroking not wking not working not wroking not working not wkong not working not wking not wkoing and nwe sugery brok arm sugery not wking not wkoing not wking not working not woking noy wroking not wkring not workong mot woking not wkorking noy working not working not working not orking not wwkiong not working sleeping maedine workin not working not wkring not working not working not wking not working not wroiking not working noy not working not working not working not wking not working and if come Vsit the wigggles some wiggles songs love julie
if come Auny the wiggles Vsit a nwe Chidlerns Hosptal if after besy /
love you
play a Dctor DR. Murray
Dcotr with me be cheek up DR> Murray
The new wiggles are not as good as the old ones. And I think there is a new Wags the dog Dorothy the dinosouar
and Henry the Octopus. They Look different and act different