Project 366 – Week 2

Sunday 10th January. There comes a time when you realise your daughter’s trousers are too small, as when she sits down you see a little bottom poking over the top. So we headed to Sutton to buy some new ones as well as school shirts for September when she starts Junior school. Sutton got stormy, and one set of Christmas lights were still working.


Monday 11th January. Back to normal weeks again, and I know – KNOW – I took a photo today but it isn’t on my phone. It was to show how dark it is in the mornings, which actually isn’t going to be the greatest content thanks to it being dark. So already I’m failing.

Tuesday 12th January.We have been watching The Amazing Race on Amazon which is great as there are several series we hadn’t seen (via lesser legal means, ahem). We’ve got one more episode of Season 20 to go, and this hasn’t stopped H from creating her own version of the game – the Amazing Exercise.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Wednesday 13th January. H went Horse Riding at Deen City Farm and had a blast! She loved it – 30 minutes being walked around on a small horse (age 20) – and with a borrowed pair of boots and a hat. She loved it so much!

Horse Riding at Deen City Farm

Thursday 14th January. New books arrived. Hidden away already.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Friday 15th January. What kind of a child doesn’t like Peanut Butter (well, apart from ones who are allergic to them, of course)? Mine. Not even Reese’s Peanut Butter cups could turn her. I’m going to get some Skippy stuff and see if that works…

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Saturday 16th January. H had a party and Shaun and I sorted out things to sell and get rid of, donate, or whatever. Which means all my photos today are of things I’m selling which seems a bit weird to put on here. What a rubbish Saturday photo!

for sale

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. If we had a packet of Reese’s in the house, I wouldn’t even get a chance to photo them as my two eldest adore them! Love the pic on the pony reminds me of when I used to go riding as a child.


    1. I can’t believe that H hated them! Honestly, she cannot be my child, surely? That stuff is SO good!! But she turned her nose up… I give up 🙂


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