Project 365 – Week 45

Sunday 1st November. The last day of the holidays, and a lazy one at that. Plus we were recovering from Halloween, even though we didn’t do very much apart from drink and be tired. H, on the other hand, went trick or treating with her friends and came back with all these sweets. Sigh.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Monday 2nd November. Sorted for the fireworks this Saturday!

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Tuesday 3rd November. We got the Call of Dooom from school, H had been sick in class so that’s a straight 48 hour exclusion from her classmates from the last bit of sick. Luckily, the first bit was the last bit, but it meant Shaun took off Wednesday with her and I took off Thursday. So I took this photo to show her Nanna in Australia she was doing fine. Seriously, had she not been so tired, and been sick I wouldn’t have believed she was unwell!

H in bed

Wednesday 4th November. The only photo I took today was of my list of bands I have to check daily at YouTube which I’m not about to post here! So take my word for it that I posted a photo.

Thursday 5th November. H’s elbow and knee pads arrived from China, and they included this in the package which was sweet.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Friday 6th November. I ordered a Himalayan Salt Lamp on Thursday from Salty Lamps, and it arrived the following day – great service, and a lovely glow. I’m hoping it helps with how rubbish I always feel at home, as it’s meant to help clean the air. I always feel at my best when I’m by the sea, and being stuck in South London is too far away from it, for obvious reasons! So we’ll see how we get on.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Saturday 7th November. Fireworks, the annual trip to Carshalton’s display. It actually felt quite uncomfortable this year when they were cheering the guy (called Boris) until he finally burnt. I think I’m overthinking a lot this year! It was still enjoyable, and H got to play with her friends so she was happy (apart from when she wasn’t!). A good night.

Fireworks 2015


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