Project 365 – Week 38

Sunday 13th September. So you have a crazy busy week and it gets to Sunday and you can’t not do something as that’s just weird. So we went to Box Hill, doing the Stepping Stones trail which is quite frankly the most leg-wobbly of walks down the hill, to then wobble over stepping stones and having a fear of falling in, then walking all the way back up the hill. Phew.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Monday 14th September. My order from Toughees shoes arrived, and fortunately they fit H perfectly, so gone are the old scuffed in a week shoes to be replaced by these. So far, so good. So far not scuffed. *keeps everything crossed nothing will get scuffed again and I will buy Toughees for life*

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Tuesday 15th September. A new Oyster Card holder.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Wednesday 16th September. We’ve pretty much stopped watching Cbeebies until today – when Topsy and Tim returned. This is H’s face when she watches them – pre Topsy getting appendicitis, mind as that would be a bit mean!

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Thursday 17th September. So H wants to be a goalkeeper at the moment, so I went to Decathlon and bought her some £4 gloves which also match her boots. She’s really happy about this!

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Friday 18th September. I had one of those moments where I wished I’d bought Eva Schloss’ book when we left the Dutch Resistance Museum, and you instantly regret it once you get too far away. So I ordered it, and it arrived. Not one for my commute, as I know I’ll be in tears again. Moving.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Saturday 19th September. You can live somewhere for almost eight years and not spot something, then you wonder why on earth you’ve never seen it before. Then you read, and re-read and re-read one more time because it’s so wordy it makes no sense at all. I think it means don’t park on their driveway. I think?

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on


  1. Let me know how you get on with the book. Love your Oyster card holder, that is fab, as are H’s footie gloves. We’re still mostly in CBeebies world and Monkey loves Topsy and Tim too #365


  2. Never heard of that book, looks interesting, will need to have a look for it.
    Love the goalkeeper gloves. woman’s football is very high profile right now so one day maybe she will be goalkeeper.
    Love the card holder, and would consult my lawyer before I park I think…


  3. loving the shoes, hoping they don’t get scuffed in the playground if football is going to be played, the number of trousers we went through with child no 4 of 5 with him being the goalie a break time cost a fortune


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