My New Gadget – and I Love It – A Soup Maker

* I’ve written a follow up, six months on from buying this – it’s over here*

Greg who sits opposite me at work has an annoying habit of knowing exactly what kind of gadgets I like, suggesting them and then watching me buy one a week or so later, when I’ve managed to convince myself I need one.

This week it was a Morphy Richards Soup Maker.

Morphy Richards Soup Maker

Now, you’ve probably read the name and said exactly what I first said when greeted with this (what sounds) frankly ridiculous idea – a Soup Maker? I’ve got a pan, thanks.

But then I thought about it. The last time I made soup it was a disaster. I seem to remember blending all the vegetables and the bottom of my blender coming open so the liquid spilled out everywhere – I saved what I could, but there wasn’t much.

Which is where the Soup Maker comes in. I love the nights we decide to have soup as it’s so quick – we’ve been having lots of lovely spicy butternut squash soups that are on offer at Ocado – but this appealed. The idea of just prepping your veg (as I would do anyway), putting it into a container, adding water and spice and stock and leaving it for 20 minutes then serving just seemed a bit too easy – plus with what limited time we have it means I can spend a bit more with H – I’m never happy leaving a pan boiling on the cooker.

Prepping veg for the Soup Maker

All you do is prepare the vegetables, add them to the Soup Maker, add water, stock, seasoning and leave it, using whichever setting you want – you’ve a choice of Smooth, Chunky or Juice – oh yes, forgot to mention, you can make smoothies in there too.

Morphy Richards Soup Maker

Then of course there’s cleaning it afterwards, my least favourite job of anything. Actually, it’s easy. They’ve made it easy – and that is something I approve of, as washing up is boring (and the Soup Maker isn’t dishwasher-friendly) – and I’ve cleaned (and stopped using because the cleaning was so boring) so many juicers I’ve lost count.

So yes, we’ve used it twice since Thursday and made some delicious soups – you can make it up as you go along pretty much – the end result is something which tastes good, the vegetables are all cooked so they don’t lose any nutritional value – and it sits perfectly with WeightWatchers as I can now make 0 Points soups!

Morphy Richards Soup Maker

Tonight Shaun made a spicy vegetable soup, I’m going to share any recipes we make up on here (using the tag souptastically souper)- do you have a Soup Maker and have any good recipes to share?

You can buy the Soup Maker at Amazon and all good stores.

Spicy Vegetable Soup

You need – carrots – however many you fancy, peeled and diced. Butternut squash – peeled, diced and unseeded – just the one. One onion. One clove of garlic. Some curry powder. Stock cube (we use low salt ones). Ginger. Cumin – one spoonful. Curry powder – one spoonful. Chilli powder – one spoonful.

Make sure all the vegetables are diced and weigh around 700g, put them into the Soup Maker, add water up to the full line (if you’re doing three or four bowls of soup), put it on the ‘blend’ setting, and 22 minutes later it’s ready.

If your soup is a bit too spicy, add some milk, cream or yoghurt to spice it down a bit (this worked for H).


Shaun's Spicy Vegetable Soup

(n.b. I know the soup looks boring, but it tastes pretty good)


  1. This looks cool! You are starting to sway me. I love that Greg pushes your buttons and makes you go into buying mode. So funny x


    1. He’s terrible! There’s so many things I never realised I needed until he suggested them. He’s the one who told me about mail order fish – as in you can order them online. I don’t want any of those, mind 🙂


  2. Can you possibly tell me: inside the jug there’s a line for min and a line for max – is this level referring to where the total ingredients need to come up to or, does it mean the liquid level?
    I’ve tried making the basic veg soup (halving the recipe quantity as only wanted for 2 people) and I filled with stock to the ‘minimum’ level however the soup was extremely watery and bland. Surely that much liquid isn’t needed.


    1. Hi Sue
      I’ve always weighed the veg and kept it to approximately 700lb – then added the water to the top line – though I guess it could depend on which veg you use too? I had a quite thick vegetable soup tonight – though I think there were potatoes in the vegetables (I cheated and bought pre-chopped as I knew I wouldn’t have much time).

      I’m not sure how much you’d fill it, though I guess to the minimum it’s going to be more than you should do for two – maybe make a full quantity then freeze the other half? We get two large bowls and one toddler sized one from the full amount!


    1. do it!! do it!! We’re having some form of carrot soup for tea tonight, it’s SO easy and makes life so much easier too – there might be some good sale deals on it as well!


  3. Might want to look at the quantity of ingredients, (Make sure all the vegetables are diced and weigh around 700lb,) copied & pasted!!!

    Just bought one, will experiment.


  4. Nice to see that you are getting on with your new soup maker, now you can make your homemade soup to your taste and consistency the easy way


  5. I don’t know where to post this, but I have recently bought one of these fantastic machines and have a super recipe for you to try:
    Fry some pre-chopped chorizo and some pre-chopped lardons. Put these in soup maker without all the oil. Add tin of chopped tomatoes and a pack of pre-cooked puy lentils with basil (I got mine in Tesco). Add onion if you like, top up to min or max level, add few fresh basil leaves and cook on chunky. When it’s done, blend a few times to just get it a bit smoother. It’s ready – eat, enjoy, the best soup you ever tasted!!



  6. Hello! I’m thinking of buying of one of these and I was wondering if the ingredients need to be cooked beforehand.


    1. Hello – you don’t have to, I just put everything in uncooked, as it’s all done in the soup process – and apparently cooks it to the right consistency too (which I’d agree with) – we’re still using our soup maker at least twice a week now!



  7. hi there just wondering if you found any new soups to cook??? whats the verdict now? ive got one havent used it yet but might tomorrow!


  8. Bought one of these at weekend and I love it. Just put in all the leftover things in fridge, pepper going a bit wrinkled, lettuce a bit past best, potato the I would normally throw away (bit soft) and a couple of small onions – voila – “throwaway soup” add to it herbs and spices and a tiny bit of cream and it tastes great.


  9. Im waiting for mine to be delivered today! cant wait to try it out now the weather is turning I need warming soup and fed up with the same boring old tins from supermarkets!


  10. i bought one on the recommendation of two of my work colleagues and love it. A friend gave me some fresh beetroot out the garden at the weekend and i bought some onions and made my husband beetroot and onion soup. he said it was absolutely delicious and i don’t normally cook. Same colleague convinced me i needed a bread maker too which i also love and is very easy. Fresh homemade soup and homemade bread, can’t beat it!!


  11. Hi the soup maker Morphy Richards fantastic. Here is a nice tasty recipe 1 celery stick chopped 1 potato chopped 1 parsnip chopped. 4 tomatoes skinned and chopped3 cloves garlic chopped 6 pces of broccoli florets. 1 small red pepper. 1 teasp parsley. 1 veg cube in a 1 and quarter pints of hot water.pinch salt and pepper. When cooked chop up some pieces of chopped pork and put in soup. Delicious


  12. Hello I have made some cauliflower soup which is delicious. add cauliflower some potato and onion with vegetable stock cube. easy peasy!! the cauliflower makes the soup very creamy can recommend


    1. oooh I will try cauliflower – I’ve been experimenting with Apples and Sweetcorn lately, and think I’ve got a good combination. With cauliflower it could be amazing! Thank you – will definitely give it a go 🙂


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