LolliBop Competition

LolliBop logoHave you read our writeup about LolliBop? We haven’t been, but we know lots of people who have and we’ve heard glowing reviews all the way.

Well, get this. We’ve a family pass to give away – a family pass being four tickets. The great thing about LolliBop is that the tickets are one price for all (unless you’re under 12 months) and you get so much to do while you’re there. The pass is valid for the Friday or the Sunday only – not the Saturday.

Travel is not included in the prize, and the prize is non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

So, how to enter? Why just follow me to the Rafflecopter entry – and make sure you read our writeup as we’ve some questions that need answering…. closes the 21st July 2012. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder – UK Competitions


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