It’s a funny old world. Back when I first became a parent in 2009 and started my original blog not long afterwards, which eventually became The Adequate Parent and had my pregnancy blog merged into it, I had no idea networks existed for bloggers.
But then BOOM! BritMums appeared, although I think it was called British Mummy Bloggers back then. I followed a few bloggers but didn’t make any friends. Somewhere along the way I persuaded some friends to be bloggers and met some mums locally who were too, and three years ago we all headed to BritMums Live (as it was then known). It was loads of fun and I got to know and meet loads of other bloggers. So much, that I went the following year – although that didn’t go so well as I had big back problems and left early.
So here’s 2016. This year I’m on my own. No bloggers with me, just meeting others there. It’s quite a big step for me – in the past year my anxieties have really started to come out more – if I get too stressed or anxious about something I will have a hot flash – and they last for quite a long time and I get a bit embarrassed about it too (the joys of getting older). So why am I going on my own then?
I have no idea. But I am. So if you see a mum with a bright red face and chest, it’s just me. Do say hello!
So, there’s some questions to answer. Let’s go then…
My name: Jo
My blog: My first proper blog is Sweetfoolthemouth which dates back to around 2003. I was on LiveJournal for a few years until eventually doing my parent blog about H (my almost seven year old daughter) and then starting Mum Friendly. I have a few others, but since the price of domains has gone up I’m going to be getting rid of a few.
Find me on social media at: @MumFriendlyJo @Schmindieblogs on Twitter (least active social network though I do use it), MumFriendlyJo on Instagram (pretty active), Jo Adams on Facebook (most active).
How I look: Tall, long dark hair, bad roots (currently, hoping to get that sorted by Saturday). Indie. Glasses.
Is this my first blogging event? No, I’ve been to BritMums Live twice, plus several others.
I will be wearing… not sure yet. Something I will feel comfortable in though.
What I hope to gain from #BML16: I’m not sure. Inspiration.
My tips for a great conference: Plan which things you want to go to and stick to it. I missed almost everything at the last BritMums through a lack of planning and horrible back pain. There will be a lot of people there and a lot of people = a lot of noise, so choose an area with your friends will be so you know roughly where to look when you’re trying to find them. Have business cards ready too, even if you don’t give any out. Everyone else is probably as nervous as you.
See you there….