I Am Going To Do A Day Without Technology

I saw this excellent post over at Eljae.com about Jae’s day without technology and pondered a while on it, could I do it? Maybe… Shaun then said I’d never in a billion years be able to so that was it, the challenge was set, I am going to prove him wrong.

I’ve nominated this Saturday as my day to do it – we’ve got H’s open day at nursery in the morning (hey, maybe we could, like, walk there? Then shop local with some cash afterwards – as cashpoints aren’t allowed – seeing as the Carshalton shops are facing a bit of a struggle) oh, and it won’t be too hard not to Instagram it all as my phone is so ancient I have to use my iPad or iPod anyway. Phew. This could mean I don’t get to watch Casualty on Saturday night and have to watch endless repeats of programmes about cars on the Discovery Channels, but I’ll suffer this pain for you, dear reader.

There are rules as set out by El; my only thought is whether I can use my Oyster card if we decide to go for a walk then get the bus home. Also, I normally place my weekly Ocado shop on a Saturday night; other than that? Well, there’s nothing that can’t wait. I think. I hope. No hairdryer! No kettle or toaster! (this means Shaun will have to make breakfast, oh well) Oh, and no using the washing machine either… this also means I won’t accidentally post on Facebook using his account which will please him (although to be fair, his phone is good at posting using his account without him realising anyway).

I can do this! Come back on Sunday or Monday and I’ll have my beautifully handwritten notes about how difficult my life is without technology (probably). If anything, my handwriting needs tidying up a bit, it’s been a while, plus my 2013 diary is empty.

So I have been tagged by Joanne and I’m going to do it! My stubborn Taurean nature has kicked in and I’m not going to be defeated! Plus I bought the Joy Division book by Peter Hook and I’ve almost finished my latest Kindle read. The timing couldn’t be better…. see you on the other side…

One Comment

  1. Good luck Jo! I am very interested to see how you get on and how much you miss things like Twitter and Facebook. At least they will always be there the next day (unfortunately so will the washing).


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