Calling all young nature lovers! The National Trust on Headley Heath is inviting guests to join them on a children’s night time stroll looking out for glow worms. Well worth the late night at the start of the summer holidays, the walk, which will be held on Friday 24 July from 9 -11pm, is a special chance to see these rare bugs. Suitable for ages 5+, the short walk will start with a warming hot chocolate and an introduction to the magical world of these glowing insects.
Ranger Will Frost, who has looked after Headley Heath for the past 4 years says “glow worms are usually found on grassy slopes, verges and hedge banks on heaths and open grasslands, especially in chalky and limestone areas. We’ve spotted them over several years on Headley Heath and we can’t wait to share the magic of them with our younger visitors. Truly a magical sight and one that they’ll remember for years to come”.
Suitable for ages 5+, tickets for the event cost £6 per person and need to be booked in advance by calling 01372 220644. The event, which will start at 9pm will last until approximately 11pm.
Did you know? Five facts about glow worms:
- There are four types of glow worm: Tropical, U.S., New Zealand and European.
- They are neither worm nor fly, but are in fact beetles, resembling woodlice more than a beetle with the female glowing strongest to attract the male.
- They are most commonly seen between late May to September. They glow for a few hours at a time and usually stop after mating.
- Adult glow worms can’t feed and live only 14 days. The adult female glow worm has a glowing life of only a few weeks until she mates and dies shortly afterwards.
- The light from the glow worm is cold and is a form of Bioluminescence. It is caused when a molecule, luciferin, is oxidised to produce oxyluciferin with the enzyme luciferase acting as a catalyst in the reaction.