Grow Your Own Crops In Pots by Kay McGuire is a book we’re getting a lot from. The author McGuire is Kew-trained, so we’re putting our trust in her – and so far it’s all good!
Grow Your Own Crops In Pots is a book by Kay McGuire, covering something ideal for our inner-London lives – we rent, we don’t have a garden and we’re not about to join a waiting list for an allotment.
Having said that, we do have a back yard. Shaun picked up Grow Your Own Crops in Pots when The Book People came to his work and it’s been an interesting read. It breaks down over sixty fruit, herbs and vegetables and shows good ways to plant them – even in the smallest of spaces.
One thing we’ve done is to make an old wine box into a salad garden. Back in March one of our chairs in the garden broke, and now makes a handy wine box salad garden stand! It would never have occurred to us had we not had this book – and the wine box was sat in the shed doing nothing.
So, what to do? Get your wine box, drill some holes in the bottom, add soil and that’s it. Shaun also varnished it to keep it watertight as much as possible.
So look – this is how it started and this is what it’s like now – we’ve been eating salad every night this week fresh from the back yard.
H got some free seeds from Pizza Express and we’ve some mint growing there too – can’t wait to try it!
Were it not for Grow Your Own Crops in Pots we’d probably still be buying shop-bought salad – this way it involved minimal effort and the lettuce just keeps on growing. (n.b we bought lettuce from a garden centre, next year we’ll do it from scratch, okay?)
You can find Grow Your Own Crops in PotsĀ here at Amazon
[…] ready. We’re eating a lot of salads at the moment thanks to the previously mentioned Salad Wine Box so this makes things much easier and quicker. For me, I can see Porridge on Tuesday really working […]