Go! Go! Go! Show Giveaway!

Last year at Lollibop we must have seen the Go! Go! Go! Show several times in one day, and funnily enough it was Shaun who knew most of the songs…. must’ve been all those mornings he spent doing the ironing before work while watching Nick Jr, right? I also know he’s not the only dad to do this….

Go! Go! Go! Show

Go! Go! Go! Show is a fun five minute segment in the morning on Nick Jr, perfect for young ones (and dads) with simple pop songs and dance routines; and they’re releasing a new CD/DVD album on April 7th 2014, Radio Go! Go! Go!. Join Gemma, Carl, Jade, Steve and Holly plus the permanently confused Mr Baffled and his sock guzzling side-kick the Fluffalope as they take over the Radio and TV airwaves of the Islands of Baffadopolis for a wild and exciting fun-filled pop music extravaganza.

It just so happens I have three copies to give away. Before we get to that bit, let me tell you a few bits I know… they’re heading out on tour next month.

Go! Go! Go! Show at Lollibop 2013

Tour Dates:

12/4 Sheffield University
13/4 Leeds City Varieties
14/4 Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre Newcastle
15/4 Palace Theatre Manchester
16/4 Town Hall Birmingham
17/4 Leamington Spa Assembly
18/4 Ipswich Regent Theatre
21/4 O2 Shepherds Bush Empire

Radio Go! Go! Go!

The album is a CD/DVD package, and features all the Go! Go! Go! songs you know and love – ‘Wake Up Smiling’ of course, ‘This is the Life’ and ‘Lay the Rhythm Down’ to name just three. Here’s the tracklist –

CD Contents
1  Wake Up Smiling
2  This Is The Life
3  Lay The Rhythm Down
4  Blue Sky Sunshine Day
5  My Picture Of The World
6  Choices
7  The Get Along Song
8  Questions Questions
9  It’s Your Birthday
10  Holiday Bay
11  Let Him Go
12  Hey There Sleepy Head

DVD Contents
13 Wake Up Smiling (Karaoke)
14 It’s Your Birthday (Karaoke)
15 Wake Up Smiling (Music Video with Intro)
16 This Is The Life (Music Video with Intro)
17 Lay The Rhythm Down (Music Video with Intro)
18 Choices (Music Video with Intro)
19 The Get Along Song (Music Video with Intro)
20 Questions Questions (Music Video with Intro)
21 Hey There Sleepy Head (Music Video with Intro)
22 Wake Up Smiling (Learn The Dance Moves)
23 Questions Questions (Learn The Dance Moves)
24 Go!Go!Go! At Work and Play

Have a little video taken at Lollibop last year

So yes, we have three copies of Radio Go! Go! Go! to give away! So that’s three winners – fancy your luck? Here goes… Ends on the 3rd April 2014 at midnight – so not long!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No! LOL But my daughter sings Wake Up Smiling in the mornings! I wonder how she is so chirpy then!


  2. Does the occassion where I sang “its your birthday, your birthday. Hap hap happy birthday” to my work colleague count?


  3. We all love the question song and as we pass a certain tree every day twice we have to sing it.


  4. No but my little girl does! She loves nick jr and I often hear her singing This is The Life and Wake Up Smiling. She would love this!! 🙂


  5. Yes!! Soooooo embarrassing!!! Casually walking around Morrisons doing my shopping singing one of the songs and I didn’t even realise I was doing it until everyone was giving me weird looks!!.. Woops!! haha 🙂


  6. no not recently lol, too busy with the daft ‘what does the fox say’ song stuck in my head haha!


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