We’re Porridge on Tuesday Ambassadors, overdue an update but for now, how about a giveaway?
Porridge On Tuesday is much more than just a healthy eating plan, though that is a massive part of it. We’re well into it now and doing well (not gaining weight, and finding loads of new quick healthy recipes) – and this is your chance to have a go too.
I have FIVE to give away – so that’s a twelve week plan – which would work out at £2.50 a week, so that’s a fair bit of money saved (please don’t ask me to count right now, I’m tired) – worth a go, I’d say!
It’s a nice simple Rafflecopter entry too, so please read on. Also, POT are offering the 8 week plan for £14.95 and the 15 week plan for £25.95 – so there’s some savings already. All you need to do is email offer@porridgeontuesday.com.
I’ll be posting an update on how it’s going for us soon – but until then you’ve got until the 8th August to enter – quick! Good luck!
Looking to lose the post baby weight so will be following this with interest!
Greek salads or paella
something quick and easy I can do whilst cooking for and eating with the kids
Lots of fruit and vegetables… I try!
I am loving zero noodles just now
Lots of fish and sea food, tomato based sauces.
i tend to stick with soups salad or chicken & fish
A lot of rice & boiled potatoes
plenty of fruit and vege and quorn too! quorn mince is the best
Normaly salads and chicken and lots of water
I cut down on bread and cut out butter, cream, chocolate and cake.
I eat plenty of soups and fish
I love homemade veg soup when I’m eating healthily
lots of fruit and vegetables
usually chicken salad and fruit
Blueberries, fish and chicken – with lots of different veggies
Normally healthy stir frys chicken and fish
Loads and loads of fruit and veg
I’m a vegetarian so eat lots of fresh vegetables & quorn & no fried food or sweet stuff
Chicken salad with no dressing or mayo
lots of porridge
loads of salads
Protein and salad… no sugar as that seems to give me cravings!
Lots of fruit, veg and salads
Greek salads or paella
I go for salads and high protein dishes
Lots of salad
I usually try to just cut out cakes, pastries, chocolate etc and cut down my portions so I don’t get fed up!
I just try to be as healthy as possible with smaller portions cutting out refined sugars such as white bread and white pasta and going whole instead. Also swapping rice for cous cous and cutting back on the treats. My saviour is a couple squares of 85% dark chocolate when im in need!
I just try to eat more fruit and vegetables and cut down on bread, potatoes and snacks
Fresh veg out of my garden!
resh ruit and veg everything in moderation
I love salads, it’s the accompanying bread which is my downfall.
I eat loads of salad, green veggies and white meat
porridge,chicken and fish with lots of fresh fruit and veggies and salads most important water
lots of fruit and veg,juices, green drinks
I eat lot’s of fruit ,vegetable’s fish and white meat.I also steam, porch or boil my food when cooking so it keeps the flavour and goodness.
Salads, chicken, veg
Plenty of fruit, Veg & water
carrot sticks with hummus
Salads, and veg curries on colder days
Salads and soups
Chicken, fish and lots of fruit and veg
Lots of fruit, vegetables and wholemeal goodies
Plenty of Fruit and Veg!
water and vegetables
A balanced mix of meat, veg, carbs and the occasional treat, so that I don’t feel deprived.
a nice healthy salad
I try to go for lean meat and loads of veggies to fill up on
Cheese, it really fills you up and it’s surprising how much you can eat without putting weight on – just watch out for the carbs! x
grilled salmon or chicken and vegetables, limited carbs
I tend to stick to a high protein, low sugar and low carb diet when healthy eating. Plenty of salad too and green veggies!
I make large pans of homemade soup and freeze portions, make a different one each time, then I can have a different soup for lunch each day
normally a seafood salad or if I’m in the mood to cook then a chicken salad!
grilled meats and salads
I always go for pasta as it fills me up and I have managed to lose 5 stone eating it.
I try and eat fruit as snacks rather than crisps or chocolate
Would love this to get back into shape.
Fish, brown rice, brown bread, salad, fresh fruit, low or no booze
Lots of fruit and cut down on chocolate and take-aways. x
Chicken, fish and lots of veg made into casserole and curries.Greek yogurt to go with fruit and nuts or to make marinades and dressing.
I always go for Brazil nuts. Yum
i buy a salad from subway
Lots of fruit and vegetables, plus wholemeal rice, cottage cheese and tuna