Your Eggselency Hotel Chocolat Giveaway!

Mum Friendly is like a bus right now. You wait forever for a giveaway and then I launch FOUR in a week. The rest will follow soon…. for this second one we have a rather marvellous prize. I’m a long-standing Hotel Chocolate customer, I can’t even remember when I placed my first order with them it was that long ago, so I’m delighted to bring this one to you.

Hotel Chocolat have an amazing Easter Egg range in store right now, and I’m able to offer you a Your Eggselency Extra Thick Chocolate Easter Egg – look at it! It’s amazing!!!!

Your Eggselency Hotel Chocolat


Allow me to copy and paste the product details from the website :

When we first started making our eggs 13 years ago, we were advised by experts to make them as thin as possible and put the chocolates on the outside. We did the opposite!

Our extremely distinguished extra thick egg has one 40% milk shell and one 70% dark shell, filled with 12 of our finest real cream truffles with Champagne, port, Amaretto and other delights.

So yes, quite a choc-feast. Oh my. The full menu is here.

In order for the egg to make it in time for Easter, this giveaway is running now, and finishing on April 5th which should leave enough time! UK entrants only please, and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The Egglet Extra Thick Easter Egg sounds so yummy, never knew they did eggs that big mmmmmm x


  2. I’d choose the Rocky Road to Caramel Extra Thick Easter Egg. All of the Hotel Chocolat eggs look delicious.


  3. Your Eggsellency Extra Thick Easter Egg, this is just my dream Easter Egg, extra thick chocolate mmmmmmmmm x


  4. The rocky road to caramel looks insane! Probably will be in a sugar coma for a few days afterwards but can’t wait! Lol x


  5. Definitely the Your Eggselency one – with one half being milk choc and one half being dark plus the chocs in the middle, there would be enough of a selection to share with my hubby and daughter for us all to be happy!


  6. Your Eggselency Extra Thick Easter Egg. I do like so many that it is difficult to choose just one. They look delicious.


  7. Oh my these look so nice all of them but i think i would choose the rocky road!!!! fingers and toes crossed!!!


  8. This has got me dribbling just thinking about it! I’d have creamy milk chocolate with crunchy bits in it (perhaps caramel). Would I share it? That’s debatable!


  9. it would have to be the Eggselency Extra Thick Chocolate Easter Egg for me looks amazing the ultimate indulgence


  10. I know its an obvious choices as its the rpize but the Your Eggselency Extra Thick Chocolate Easter Egg looks amazing – so much chocolaet!!


  11. The white and light extra thick Easter egg. Amazing. I’ve always wanted to try one of these eggs but I doubt I could share 😉


  12. Spoilt for choice…..The Splat – Caramel Chocolate Easter Egg, The Splat – White Chocolate Easter Egg, Rocky Road to Caramel Extra Thick Easter Egg, The Facet – Luxury Milk Chocolate Easter Egg, Crispy Caramel Easter Egg Sandwich….Seriously salivating here now!!!


  13. Spoilt for choice with these … but the Rocky Road to Caramel Extra Thick Easter Egg looks really really nice 🙂


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