Disney Movie Rewards!

Disney Movie Rewards

I’m really late to the party on this one – if you buy a Disney DVD you’ll find a leaflet inside which tells you about the Disney Movie Rewards site. Being as busy as we are I didn’t actually read the leaflets, just kept them in a pile to deal with at some point in the future. Anyway… it ends up you can redeem points for DVDs, BluRays and more!

The points vary too – our Now That’s What I Call Disney CD gave us 80 points, whereas Toy Story 2 gave us 250 – we had twelve vouchers so already I’ve redeemed two lots of points (and got Monsters Inc and Aladdin for 500 points each!) – and I’ve still 400 left.

One top tip, if you do this, put the points in as soon as you open the DVD, as more often than not you’ll need to add the barcode – I messed up and didn’t know what went with what so guessed, and was mostly fine until we got to Toy Story 3 which had a code which was unique to that title. Fortunately an email to their customer services and my account was credited today.

I had no idea you could get free DVDs – and free shipping with it too – so if you’re finding yourself with a bit of a Disney stash, get your points registered today! You can get some nice freebies on the site too. You can earn extra points doing surveys too (though I’ve only had the one). Some things are specific to a title but the site tells you more about that.

For more information head to http://www.disneymovierewards.co.uk/

Thanks to Alex for the heads-up on this!


  1. Aah I’m glad you posted this, I heard it was good but then like you they#re just in a pile to be dealt with. i should add it to my “to do list” and actually get it sorted!


    1. Oh definitely do – I heard some were time sensitive – and actually the most annoying thing was finding I could have had free copies of some I’ve bought recently – not that it was a struggle to find more mind!

      I wish I’d done it sooner though!


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