Children’s Traffic Club

Children's Traffic ClubWhen I was young we had all manner of great things teaching us about road safety – the Tufty Club and the Green Cross Code man. I’m not sure what happened after that, but now H is an age where road awareness is something that is important, I looked around to see what was on offer.

It was only after H’s last open day at nursery I spotted The Children’s Traffic Club – a fairly easy name to remember (which I promptly forgot), though after googling I found them and duly signed up. Her open day was early February, and her pack arrived today around three weeks later. The club is aimed at 3-4 year olds and it’s free. So, what do you get? An activity book – one page per week plus four sheets of stickers, a certificate to confirm you’re in the club and a DVD with various activities and songs (put to the same tunes as nursery rhymes, so you get ‘this is the way we all hold hands’ or ‘play play play our games’ and so on) – there are sixteen weeks of activities then we’ll be sent the next DVD in the set.


H’s nursery is on a busy road, and we’ve already been practising looking left and right (apart when the really annoying parents park on the dropped kerb right outside the entrance blocking the view up the road, gee thanks), and I think this will complement what it already being taught.

Children's Traffic Club

So this isn’t a review, I’ll come back to this in a few weeks but just helping spread the word – it’s a fantastic idea and something more people should know about. Sign up today!

*If you live in London TfL pay for this, so you will receive everything at no cost. Outside of London you will have to pay.


  1. JO – thanks for your kind words on our much awarded product. If there is any way we can assist you in spreading the word let me know.

    Bill smith – Business Director Children’s Traffic Club.


    1. Thanks Bill!

      Ooh I’ll drop you an email – I think it’s a great thing – just yesterday my daughter nearly stepped out onto the main road – so I think it’s perfect timing for her (and me!) to learn some road sense – I’ve got the road sense, I’ve just got to think like a three year old now!


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