Project Wild Thing

It’s time to re-wild our kids with more wild time – here’s Project Wild Thing!

Project Wild Thing is a film and part of the UK’s biggest ever campaign to reconnect children with nature and outdoor play. It is being launched today by the newly formed Wild Network, as it encourages the nation’s parents to swap some of their kids’ screen time for wild time [1].


Project Wild Thing

Swapping thirty minutes of screen time for an extra half an hour of wild time every day would decrease children’s time in front of screens by ten per cent [2]. This could help increase levels of physical activity, alertness and ultimately improve their well-being [3].

This new campaign is being launched on the back of an important and compelling new documentary film, Project Wild Thing, which is being shown at over fifty cinemas across the UK from the 25 October [4].

Three years in the making, Project Wild Thing takes a funny and moving look at one of the most complex issues of the age – the increasingly fragile link between children and nature.

In a bid to get his daughter and son off the sofa and outdoors, filmmaker and father David Bond appoints himself as the Marketing Director for Nature.  He wants his brand – nature – to stand out from the crowd of brands competing for their attention.

David works with branding and outdoor experts to develop and launch a campaign to get children outdoors and into nature – the ultimate, free, wonder-product.

Filmmaker and star of Project Wild Thing, David Bond, said: “I wanted to understand why my children’s childhood is so different from mine, whether this matters and if it does, what I can do about it.

“The reasons why kids, whether they live in cities or the countryside, have become disconnected from nature and the outdoors are complex.

Project Wild Thing isn’t some misty eyed nostalgia for the past; we need to make more space for wildtime in children’s daily routine, freeing this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us took for granted.

Project Wild Thing

“It’s all about finding wildness on your doorstep and discovering the sights, sounds and smells of nature, whether in a back garden, local park or green space at the end of the road.

“Spending time outdoors is hugely beneficial to children and young people. Research clearly shows that it improves their health, reduces stress and boosts wellbeing.”

The Wild Network [5], which is made up of more than 370 organisations, large and small, is leading a campaign calling for more wild time for every child, every day. Members of the network include the National Trust, RSPB, Play England and the NHS Sustainable Development Unit.

Andy Simpson, Chair of the Wild Network, said: “The tragic truth is that kids have lost touch with nature and the outdoors in just one generation.

“Time spent outdoors is down [6], roaming ranges have fallen drastically [7], activity levels are declining [8] and the ability to identify common species has been lost [9].

“New research published last week illustrates the scale of the challenge with only one in five (21 per cent) children aged eight to twelve years old having a connection with nature [10].

“With many more parents becoming concerned about the dominance of screen time in their children’s lives [11], and growing scientific evidence that a decline in active time is bad news for the health and happiness of our children [12], we all need to become Marketing Directors for Nature.

“An extra thirty minutes of wild time every day for all under 12-year olds in the UK would be the equivalent of just three months of their childhood spent outdoors [13].

“We want parents to see what this magical wonder-product does for their kids’ development, independence and creativity, by giving wild time a go.”

Suggestions of how to get more wild time playing outdoors in nature include everything from collecting conkers, camping or snail racing to playing leaf snap and counting autumn colour on trees.  The new ‘Wild Time’ app [14] is available to show how technology can help give time-pressed families a bucket list of ideas to help get their kids outdoors.

Starting in January 2014 the Wild Network will publish, over the course of the next year, a series of short, focused policy asks to tackle the most serious barriers between children and nature.  These will put children, nature and outdoor play firmly on the agenda of the political parties in the run up to the 2015 General Election.

The discussion about swapping screen time for wild time will continue on twitter via the feed @wearewildthing and using the hashtag #wildtime.

PROJECT WILD THING EXTRAS – Fairy Fair from Green Lions on Vimeo.


[1] Wild time is all about playing outdoors and spending time in the natural world.  It’s about the time outside of the structured school day – it could be time on the journey to school, after school or at weekends.

[2] Children are on average spending four and a half hours a day surfing the internet or watching TV (Childwise 2013 Monitoring Trends report

[3] Letting children go out to play is one of the best things that parents can do for their children’s health – outdoor play uses more calories than clubs and tuition, (Making children’s lives more active, University College London, 2004); children who said they ‘noticed and enjoyed their surroundings’ most days (i.e. were connected to their local environment) had much higher well-being scores than those who didn’t (The Children’s Society, The Good Childhood Report, 2013); and children that are exposed to nature score higher on concentration and self-discipline; improve their awareness, reasoning and observational skills; do better in reading, writing, maths, science and social studies; are better at working in teams; and show improved behaviour overall, (Sigman, A, ‘Agricultural Literacy: Giving concrete children food for thought’ (2007)

[4] Project Wild Thing goes on general release in cinemas nationwide from 25 October and is available on Curzon Home Cinema from Sunday 27 October at 7pm ( All proceeds from the release of the film go to the Wild Network. Tickets can be bought via the website at You can join the conversation about the film on twitter using the hashtag #projectwildthing.

[5] The Wild Network was launched on the 25 September this year.  Hundreds of organisations, large and small, and thousands of individuals, have come together to create a movement whose aim is to reconnect kids with nature and outdoor play.  Details on how to get involved can be found here – and you can also see a list of organisations involved at Members include the Woodland Trust, Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, RSPB, Play England, Scouts Association, Swarm and the NHS Sustainable Development Unit.

[6] Time playing outside during the week and at weekends has halved in one generation and   children are more inclined to stay indoors and watch television, play computer games and even do their homework, than go outside to play, (JCB Kids Fresh Air Campaign, 2013) and fewer than 1 in 10 children regularly play in wild spaces, versus about half a generation ago, (

[7] Gaster, S. (1991) Urban Children’s Access to Their Neighbourhoods: Changes Over Three Generations, quoted in Louv, R. (2005) Last Child in the Woods, p123; two thirds of parents now believe that their children have less freedom to roam than free-range chickens (ICM poll for Playday, 2010).

[8] Only half of seven year olds are getting the hour of exercise that they need every day according to research by the UCL Institute of Child Health (

[9] Three times as many children could identify a Dalek as a magpie, “Wildlife alien to indoor children”, National Trust, 2008, (

[10] Details of the research findings and methodology from the RSPB and the University of Essex research, published in October 2013, can be found here:

[11] Research commissioned by the online retailer Pixmania showed that more than 70 per cent (72%) of parents believe that children are too attached to gadgets (

[12] Reports published over the summer about the impact of an inactive and indoor lifestyle on children: British Heart Foundation and the University of Oxford (; and Public Health England ( The Chief Executive of the British Heart Foundation, Simon Gillespie, even called for a return to ‘a traditional outdoors childhood’ to prevent children from being the first generation in history to have a lower life expectancy than their parents.

[13] If every child in the UK under 12 years old spent at least half an hour of wild time every day that would be the equivalent of 4.5 million hours a day or 1.64 billion hours in a year.  There are just over 9 million children under the age of 12 in the UK (–tables.html?edition=tcm%3A77-319259).

[14] Details of how to download the new ‘Wild Time’ app for iPhones and the Android version can be found here:

Gatton Park Trail – National Trust

Sunday morning, it’s 8am and Shaun informs us that the weather is set to be good until early afternoon when it’s going to rain. So we got up and outside – after our previous trip was cut short we tried the Gatton Park Trail again!

Gatton Park Trail

The Gatton Park Trail is in Reigate, situated near Reigate Fort and at the top of a very large hill looking down over the Surrey Downs – you get excellent views of planes taking off and landing at Gatwick. The walk goes around Gatton Park as the land is split, of the 600 acres 340 is owned by the National Trust, and 260 by The Gatton Trust. We only got to the National Trust side, as the Gatton side is open the first Sunday of every month until October (and also qualifies in the Gardeners World 2 for 1 on gardens ticket, if you bought the April edition).

It is a circular walk which is popular with dog walkers, horse riders and cyclists – and us! The best bit? As we walked around almost everyone said “morning!” – a real nice cheery start to our day.

It’s buggy-friendly (if you need one), though there are some evil hills. There’s plenty of seats to rest (especially if you’ve a tired four year old who has done really well with all the walking), we found loads of bramble bushes too which was great for foraging – we had a yummy bramble and apple pie for tea that night – and checked off number 21 on the 50 Things Challenge for this year – H is doing pretty well with these! We all failed trying to catch leaves.

Gatton Park Trail

As far as accessibility goes, parking is free nearby (you don’t have to be a National Trust member), with refreshments in the car park at a reasonable price (and the only toilets are there as well). The Gatton Park Trail is free, and open all year round. Allow a couple of hours to do it – there are nine unnumbered markers along the way, and free maps from the refreshment area.

You can hear the M25 in the distance too.

We found parts of the Gatton Park Trail muddy but that wasn’t a problem, we had good walking shoes on so we were fine (but muddy). Mid-way you get to see the Millenium Stones – ten standing stones to mark the double Millenium, with each stone representing a 200 year segment. They’re in the middle of a field owned by sheep and goats, so remember to close the gate…!

It was an enjoyable walk and one I’d like to do at a different time of year, maybe in Springtime. Our next stop is to get to Gatton Park itself in October, before it closes until next year – the gardens look amazing!

National Trust Surrey Hills Challenge Coming Soon

With the glorious autumn colours starting to emerge, now is the time to get outdoors and explore the beautiful Surrey countryside.

Leith Hill National Trust

 However, with recent National Trust research revealing that 1 in 6 Britons never walk more than 500m from their car, Polesden Lacey is challenging the residents of Surrey to prove that they are more energetic than the rest of the country! As part of the National Trust’s Great British Walk, in partnership with Pru Health, the first ever Surrey Hills Challenge will take place on Saturday 12 October. The full route is 23 miles and links three of the area’s iconic high spots – Leith Hill, Box Hill and Ranmore. There will also be two shorter circuits – one between Leith Hill and Ranmore of 16 miles, and one to Box Hill of 13 miles, so anyone can take part, whatever their level of fitness. There will even be a 5 mile family loop.

All routes start at the Polesden Lacey car park which will be open from 6.30am to give everyone a chance to finish their chosen walk before it gets dark. There will be checkpoints along the routes offering free water, toilets and first aid support. Please register in advance on 01372 452048. Registration fee is £15 per person, or £5 per family for the short family route. Everyone who completes the challenge will receive a memento.

Box Hill Amazing Views

Full information is available from (we spotted one of the links doesn’t work, so maybe keep trying!)

Outdoor Play

This week is flying by. H is now in school and loving it, and we’ve had a few days of outdoor play this last week. We’re joining in with Country Kids, and I figured we could roll three posts into one.

Reigate Fort

Saturday we headed to Reigate Fort – a local National Trust place we’ve always fancied but never managed to get to (and it’s silly, it’s easy to get to and there’s plenty of parking for free as well). We got to the fort which is as you’d expect – various deserted buildings dug into the hillside overlooking a vast area. Trying to explain to H that it’s there because sometimes countries fight with each other proved a bit difficult. Hopefully school will help give her a better context!! You had views all the way to Gatwick which was good – we spotted loads of planes landing and taking off. There was a big grassy area, perfect for a picnic and playing tag with Daddy – before we headed back towards the car park.

There’s a walk from the car park at Reigate Fort which goes along the South Downs way, taking you to Gatton Park, so we started that one, but had to turn back after a short while – H was tired and not quite right and we didn’t want to tire her out too much before school. We like to get outdoors and she was trying out a pair of shoes for review that we chose which are perfect for outdoor use, with plenty of grip and support. I figured that if she has some good shoes for outdoor play she’s less likely to tumble over; most of her shoes have minimal grip and when you’re climbing trees you need a little bit.

Cane Hill September 2013

H felt sleepy, so we drove home hoping she’d nap in the car – and went past Coulsdon on our way. I’ve had a bit of an obsession about the former hospital Cane Hill and hadn’t been near it since I’d heard about it being demolished. It just so happened we drove past Cane Hill on our way home so I got out for a wander, with my camera of course. I was in for a shock; what was once an old derelict hospital is now grass, land with just the chapel and a tower (not the clock tower) that have survived. Cane Hill was an amazing building and I recommend you do a spot of googling on it – and now it has gone. If you see it now, you’d never know what was there. We got some photos of it back in 2008 when it was still intact just from the outside, and seeing what is left now really shocked me. I want to go back with Shaun and H properly and get around the other side – last time I was there it looked something like this. An amazing building left to rot until a fire in 2010 (ish?) which led to most of it being demolished.

Mayfield Lavender

The following day she felt much better so we headed to Mayfield Lavender. Rain was due so we knew it would be a flying visit, but we still got to walk or run up one length of the field and make it to the cafe/shop area before the skies opened – luckily we were under cover, and I’ve noticed H is running much faster with proper running shoes too, although she still likes to check what her competitors are doing (and then fall over). We’ll work on that one…

a play in the park

After school on Wednesday we headed out, stopping in the park for a run around. H is mastering the big girl swing and getting her co-ordination sorted out (she takes after me I think). Being outdoors is good too, as I feel like we’ve not done enough of it since school started; we’re all so tired. I’m letting go and letting her be on the stepping stones and watching her gain confidence on the ‘older’ things in the park. I’m not quite ready to do the climbing wall – maybe with her new shoes when she has a bit of grip!

So that’s our week. This weekend looks like it should be quieter, all being well, but rainy. Sigh!

We have been sent the Adidas shoes for the purpose of review and promoting outdoor play, all opinions are our own. Linking up to Country Kids as well.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Polesden Lacey Family Events

Polesden Lacey Family Events for October 2013 to February 2014

Polesden under snow ©National Trust Images Nick Meers

We’ve just got our latest National Trust membership through, and are already looking forward to doing some of these events – if you’re local to Polesden Lacey, then read on!


Surrey Hills Challenge

Sat 12 Oct

Walking reveals secrets of the Surrey Hills that can only be discovered on foot. A range of different length circular walks in this beautiful countryside will be available all starting from Polesden.

Register in advance by calling 01372 452048: £15 per walker, or £5 per family for the short family walk (including children under 16) . Runners also welcome to take part

Behind the Scenes Family Tours

Sat 12, Sun 13, Sat 26 and Sun 27 Oct 11.30am

A rare chance to catch a glimpse below stairs, in these guided tours of the kitchens, and servants rooms. Tours include rooms in the basement and last 45min-1 hour.
Normal admission applies

Woodland Skills Workshop

Sun 13 Oct

Drop in and learn a new skill with Andy and the Ranger team. Whittling, hurdle making and using a pole lathe
Normal admission applies

Halloween Spooks & Stories

Sat 26 Oct – Sun 3 Nov 2013

Scary ghost trail in our wild woods!
Normal admission, plus £2 per child


Glorious Glimpse House Tours

Every Saturday & Sunday

Discover more about the house with these limited entry guided tours. Please book on arrival.
Special family tours at 11.40am, 1.20pm and 2.20pm
Normal admission


We Three Kings Christmas Festivities

Sat & Sun 30 Nov, 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21 & 22 Dec, 11am – 4pm

See the house dressed for a period Christmas and discover the stories of the three kings who visited Polesden – Edward VII, George V and George VI. Plus sleigh rides, Father Christmas and more…
Normal admission for grounds, plus £4 adult, £1 child, £10 family for the house, including members


Thurs 26 Dec – Sun 5 Jan 10.30am-3pm

Become a millionaire like Mrs Greville in our fun, family version throughout the Polesden grounds
Normal admission, plus £5 per set

January 2014

Glorious Glimpse House Tours

Every Saturday & Sunday
See November for more information

February 2014

Half Term Activities

Sat 15 – Sun 23 Feb
Normal admission, plus £1 per child

Glorious Glimpse House Tours

Every Saturday & Sunday
See November for more information

Box Hill Natural Play Trail

Box Hill is one of our local National Trust sites – a little more than twelve miles from our house so one we go to frequently.

Box Hill Amazing Views

Box Hill is an area of so many things to discover – and quite recently The National Trust set up some new walkways there, one of which we stumbled across today when we went for a visit – the Natural Play Trail.

The walk is around two miles long, suitable for kids of all ages and buggies, and throughout the walk there are lots of things to do.

Box Hill

We discovered lots of huts – handy for a bear hunt or searching for Gruffalo’s – as well as various play areas made from wood and rope – a swing, a rope swing, some tree trunks to balance on and lots to see and spot.

We kept it simple and kept to balancing on logs. H is pretty good though unsteady (like her mum) so we started holding hands until by the end she was doing it on her own which was good – and there are a lot of logs to practice on.

There were play areas around the walk – one area had a rope to balance or climb on, a swing tied into it (H had a go and enjoyed hanging upside down the most), and a rope swing which we need to work on with H! They were great and suitable for H’s age with supervision. There were older kids but they were respectful of H and her younger age and let her play too which was nice.

Box Hill

All around the woods were dens built from sticks and branches, one of our favourite things when we go for walks like this – an estimate would be twenty or thirty easily and they were all easy to climb into. As well as this were play and balance areas using smaller logs which you could climb on, some with a twisty maze around them and others just enclosed by them.

At the end of the first one was a doorway carved into a tree which H loved!

Box Hill also now have some cute paints on the roadway, from Amazing Views to Tea and Cake – as well as signs welcoming you there.

Box Hill

There are other walks at the site – if next weekend, post Birthday Party is all too much I know we’ll be back again – it’s good for clearing the head! Plus I had no idea the concrete thing we stand on is actually a fort (which is obvious really when you think about it)

Head here to see the other walks on offer.

We have National Trust membership which is paid for by ourselves.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Polesden Lacey Family Events Sept /Oct 2013

Polesden Lacey have some family events scheduled for September and October 2013

Polesden Lacey Easter Egg Explorers

Polesden Lacey in September

Bug Hunt

Daily throughout September 11am – 4pm

There are some very lucky bugs who have made their home in the house at Polesden. Discover our secret lodgers, and how they live life in style beneath the carpets and coving!
Normal admission, plus £1 to follow the trail and look under the microscope!

Family Volunteering

Every Sunday from 11am

Join us for a Sunday of family activity to help keep our lovely grounds in order, including scrub bashing and bug hunting. Please call 01372 452048 to register your interest.

Heritage Weekend – Polesden Open Day

Saturday 14 September

House open to the public for free as part of National Heritage Week.
Dorking & District Radio Society will be setting up their aerials in the ground, transmitting and receiving to other enthusiasts around the world. A great opportunity to find out more about this fascinating hobby and have a go yourself.


Surrey Hills Challenge

Saturday 12 October

Walking reveals secrets of the Surrey Hills that can only be discovered on foot. A range of different length circular walks in this beautiful countryside will be available all starting from Polesden.
Register in advance by calling 01372 452048: £15 per walker, or £10 per family for the short

family walk (including children under 16) . Runners also welcome to take part

Behind the Scenes Family Tours

Sat 12, Sun 13, Sat 26 and Sun 27 Oct 11.30am

A rare chance to catch a glimpse below stairs, in these guided tours of the kitchens, and servants

rooms. Tours nclude rooms in the basement and last 45min-1 hour.

Normal admission applies

Woodland Skills Workshop

Sunday 13 October

Drop in and learn a new skill with Andy and the Ranger team. Whittling, hurdle making and using a pole lathe
Normal admission applies.

Children’s Photography Workshops

Wednesday 30 October

2 sessions each day: morning: 11am-12.30pm for ages 6-10 yrs

Afternoon: 2-3.30pm for ages 10 – 16yrs

Shutterbugs will show you how to take amazing shots using just your camera and your imagination!

£15. Please contact:

Halloween Spooks & Stories

Saturday 26 October – Sunday 3 November 2013

Scary ghost stories in our wild woods!

Normal admission, plus £2 per child

Selsdon Wood Nature Reserve

Sometimes we have one of those spur of the moment ‘where shall we go?’ kinds of days, when we don’t want to drive too far but we want to breathe, to get out of the city. Somewhere that’s safe but we can learn and explore.

Today we found a new place – Selsdon Wood Nature Reserve 200 acres which is just outside Croydon, across from Sanderstead and about twenty minutes drive for us. We found it by me checking for woods near Banstead Woods (which we almost went to) and seeing it had a five-star review – and you can see why.

Selsdon Wood

It’s very basic, and is a wood in National Trust owned land, co-run with Croydon Council – so don’t expect fancy gift shops and the like here – although there’s a giant wooden bear at the car park.

Instead you’ve got woods, butterflies, orchids, insects, birds, trees, buttercups, bluebells and many other things – we spotted a rope swing (slightly too high for H) and I bet there’s more when you investigate. Families playing hide and seek in the woods, people walking their dogs… it’s a great open space made of five fields and several walkways (all with names) and somewhere to explore and wander around.

There’s plenty of activities going on from time to time too – check their website for more information.

So, what did we do? We walked into the woods (there’s tons of bluebells right now), through the fields, checked if H liked butter or not with a buttercup, blew a few dandelion clocks, spotted two different butterflies, listened in case we could hear a badger (we didn’t), got two different insects in her bug viewer (a millipede and a devil’s coachhorse beetle), and ticked off another of the ’50 Things’, making a grass trumpet (I was the expert at this and passed on my expert knowledge to Shaun and H) – the weather was good (sunny and cloudy) and there was some mud around but generally everywhere was accessible. If you go there after rain it’s definitely a wellies kind of place.

We’ve still a good section of the woods to explore so we’ll be back…. when it’s a sunny day!

Step Back In Time at Reigate Fort


– Come along to Reigate Hill’s centenary celebrations-

Reigate Fort high res credit Andrew Butler166887

Reigate Fort is a local National Trust area which we tried to find and failed, then realised how we’d missed the parking area, so bear that in mind and swot up beforehand, as looking at the pictures it looks pretty excellent, with great views over Surrey too.

Reigate Fort sits proudly on top of Reigate Hill in Surrey and was built in 1898 as part of the London Defence Scheme, the British Government’s attempt to protect London and the south coast from attack by their greatest adversary, the French. The National Trust who now look after the site are putting on an event on the 8 and 9 June to see what life would have been like for soldiers billeted at Reigate Fort.

The 10th Essex Living History Group will bring the fort to life, wearing uniforms of the times, practicing drills, firing techniques and marching. It goes without saying that there’ll be plenty of explosions and gunfire as well! Listen to soldiers’ stories of life at the fort, smell their campfire stews and feel how scratchy, but water-proof their uniforms were. If you have any military memorabilia, bring it along too – experts will be on hand to tell you more about them.

The fort will be open from 10.30am until 4pm on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June. Tickets for the event are £5 for adults and £2.50 for children. There’s no need to book in advance. Sunday’s event will culminate in an afternoon military musical parade from Reigate Fort onto Reigate Hill to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Reigate Hill being given to the people of Reigate town.

Reigate Fort


Marc Russell, National Trust Ranger who looks after the fort says “Reigate Fort is one of only 13 defensive forts built along the North Downs. Over the last few years we’ve worked hard to restore it so that visitors can see what life would have been like for those working there. This year, we’ve restored the shifting lobby, where soldiers changed from their work clothes into special spark-free uniforms. This event is a great way for us to bring the fort to life and to understand how tough life must have been.”

Car parking for the event is at the Wray Lane car park (RH2 0HX) and Reigate Fort is best reached by crossing the footbridge from the car park. It’s a walk of about 200m slightly uphill to the fort. For more information, visit or call 01372 220644.

50 Things Events This Half Term with the National Trust

The National Trust recently relaunched their ’50 Things To Do Before You’re Eleven and Three Quarters’ campaign complete with a new book and stickers to add to each page when you’ve completed them. H is still only three so we’ve got a while before we’ll be anywhere near complete, but already we’re finding it fun and are thinking of different things to do when we go out.

National Trust Scotney Castle

This half term the National Trust have several 50 Things themed events happening – here’s a list of of the London and South East ones –

Ashridge Spring Trail

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 16 March to 31 May 2013, 10:00am to 4:00pm Price: Child £1

Miss Alice’s Drive Woodland Walk

Waddesdon Manor

Dates: 115 dates between 22 May 2013 and 27 October 2013 Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Explore some of the wildlife areas established at Waddesdon.

Bat Walk

Hatchlands Park

Dates: 23 May 2013, 15 August 2013 and 22 August 2013 Price: Adult £5, Child £2.50

Summer Half Term


Dates: 9 dates between 25 May 2013 and 2 June 2013
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Go on a really long bike ride on our estate – just pick up a map from our Visitor Reception.On your adventures see if you can find a tree and explore the inside of it. Kick off your shoes and go for a walk bare foot in our grounds.

Family Fun and Frolics


Dates: 25 May to 2 June 2013, 11:00am to 4:00pm
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
We’ll have lots to do, including children’s activities, storytelling by the campfire, fun in the woods, trails, den building – and lots of things to try on the list of 50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4!



Dates: 25 May to 2 June 2013, 11:00am to 4:00pm Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
A small charge may be made for some activities.

Half term fun – Map makers


Dates: 25 May to 2 June 2013, 11:00am to 4:00pm
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Half term fun creating your own maps and visiting the secret 1940s map-making bunker

1 – 11 22/05/2013 08:04:28

Den building adventures

Scotney Castle

Dates: 9 dates between 25 May 2013 and 2 June 2013
Price: Per Item £1 (Compass Trail)
This half term join us at our wilderness camp to see who can build the best den and take part in our compass trail.

50 Things in the Woodland


Dates: 6 dates between 25 May 2013 and 18 August 2013
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Build a den, explore inside a tree, climb a huge hill, hunt for bugs, and more when you come to the Chartwell estate. Be sure to get your trail map in the Visitor Centre before heading into the woods.

Winchelsea Dawn Chorus : Sunday 26th May 2013

Bodiam Castle

Dates: 26 May 2013 4:00am Price: All Tickets £5
Booking Essential Sorry, cancelled

Have a go at geocaching

Shalford Mill

Dates: 26 May 2013 11:00am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
We have a few GPS handsets available for you to try your hand at geocaching – the digital treasure hunt! Why not come and see if it’s for you?

Pony Magic

Hatchlands Park

Dates: 12 dates between 26 May 2013 and 15 September 2013 Price: Child £2.50
Pony rides for children. A 3-5 minute ride suitable for 2-11 year old children.

Explorer Week

Emmetts Garden

Dates: 5 dates between 27 May 2013 and 31 May 2013
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
A great chance to complete some of the 50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4!

Wilderness Week

River Wey and Godalming Navigations and Dapdune Wharf

Dates: 7 dates between 27 May 2013 and 2 June 2013
Price: Child £2.50 (For children’s activities)
A half term week of den building, foraging and survival crafts, suitable for 5-12 year olds.

Pony Magic

Clandon Park

Dates: 4 dates between 27 May 2013 and 26 August 2013 Price: Child £2.50 (per ride)
Pony rides for children. A 3-5 minute ride suitable for 2-11 year old children.

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Wild Art Workshop


Dates: 28 May 2013 10:00am and 28 May 2013 1:00pm Price: All Tickets £2.50

Fossil Fabrication

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 28 May 2013 10:15am Price: Child £3
Booking Essential

Wild Learning

Claremont Landscape GardensClaremont Landscape Garden

Dates: 6 dates between 28 May 2013 and 30 December 2013
Price: All Tickets £35
Have fun and explore the woods with Wild Learning Forest School. Book at place at Booking Essential

Beasts and Butterflies


Dates: 7 dates between 28 May 2013 and 28 August 2013 Price: Child £4
Kids can be nature detectives on this walk with our Ranger team Booking Essential

Plant it, grow it, eat it

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 4 dates between 28 May 2013 and 31 May 2013 Price: Child £2

Float your Boat Day

Claremont Landscape Garden

Dates: 29 May 2013 10:30am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
There will also be an opportunity to make your own model boat from junk at the craft session in the morning between 11 am and 1 pm. You can float them on the lake at Claremont between 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm.

Art Attack

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 29 May 2013 10:30am Price: Child £3
Booking Essential

Wild Wednesday – Orienteering


Dates: 29 May 2013 11:00am
Price: Child £2
How fast do you think you can complete our Wild Wednesday orienteering course? See if you can be the best! There is fun to be had whatever the weather! This is a drop in session and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Ideal for children aged 4-11.

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50 Things – Plant it grow it eat it

Basildon Park

Dates: 29 May 2013 2:00pm Price: Child £2 (Planting workshop)

Springtime Tree Climbing with the Big Tree Climbing Company


Dates: 24 dates between 30 May 2013 and 31 May 2013
Price: All Tickets £17.50
Coordinated by the Big Tree Climbing Company, have fun in the trees at Cliveden. Explore the canopy and have a go at tree climbing, a zip wire and a rope swing! Fun for all the family. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.Each session is 30 minutes long. Please book your session in advance, either online or via the Box Office.
Booking Essential

Wild Child: Pond Dipping

Ightham Mote

Dates: 30 May 2013 11:15am Price: Child £3 (per session) Booking Essential

Wildzone: Mottistone Moth Night

Mottistone Manor Garden

Dates: 31 May 2013 9:30pm
Price: Child £3 (no charge for accompanying adults)
In the evening we will be setting light traps and looking for moths around the garden. Then we’ll return the following day at 0830 am to see what has been caught in the light traps and to discover what amazing moths inhabit the night skies of MottistoneThe Wildzone is a programme of hands-on activities for accompanied children aged 5-13, introducing them to nature. All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Sorry no dogs.
Booking Essential

Build a den – 50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4

Hinton Ampner

Dates: 4 dates between 1 June 2013 and 2 June 2013
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
As part of the National Trust’s 50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4 campaign we are having a weekend of fun, learning how to build your own woodland hideaway. Our expert den builders will be on hand to help you learn the woodland skills you need. There is a 15 minute walk to the woodland to do this activity

50 Things in the Garden



Dates: 6 dates between 1 June 2013 and 4 August 2013
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Make your own kite and learn to fly it, make a daisy chain or a grass trumpet, set up a snail race, and more. The first weekend of the months of May through August will showcase the various 50 things activities possible in the gardens at Chartwell.

Open Farm Sunday

Waddesdon Manor

Dates: 9 June 2013 10:00am
Price: No Additional charges
Open Farm Sunday is one of the farming industry’s biggest success stories. Organised by LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) it gives everyone the chance to discover the story behind their food and the vital role farmers play in caring for the countryside. 2013 will be the first year that the Waddesdon Farms have taken part in this event and there are plans for a day packed full of demonstrations, talks and livestock displays. For more information on Open Farm Sunday visit

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Coleshill Mill Open Day

The Buscot and Coleshill Estates

Dates: 5 dates between 9 June 2013 and 13 October 2013
Price: Adult £2.50, Child £1.25
Visit this lovely mill on the pretty River Cole and see the grain being ground into flour. The flour is then available to buy and a recipe leaflet provided

Totally Batty

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 12 June 2013 9:00pm and 24 July 2013 9:00pm
Price: Adult £10, Child £6
Join us for a bat hunt! Learn exciting facts about these amazing creatures, and enjoy a walk in the dark to discover more and hopefully catch a glimpse. Suitable for the whole family.
Booking Essential

‘Have-A-Go-Falconry’ – 15th & 16th June 2013

Bodiam Castle

Dates: 15 June to 16 June 2013, 11:00am to 4:00pm
Price: All Tickets £3 (to fly a bird)
Have-a-go session takes place from 14.15 to 15.00. Please note that the birds are unable to fly in wet weather. Children must be 8 years or older to fly a bird of prey.

50 Things – Climb a tree on Father’s Day

Basildon Park

Dates: 16 June 2013 10:00am
Price: All Tickets £12.50 (Climb, All Tickets £6 (Crate building), zip wire and leap of faith)
Use ropes, harness and karabiners to access the canopy of magnificent tree. Take the quick exit down via a zip wire and then…. see if you or dad can go higher on the leap of faith! All equipment is provided and tuition given by highly trained and experienced staff members.Prices from £6For more information see or phone 0800 0556760.Please note: In case of extremely poor weather please phone on the morning of the event.
Booking Essential

Father’s Day Challenge


Dates: 16 June 2013 10:00am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
How many Stowe challenges can dads and their children complete in one day using the Stowe explorer map. Try out our top 10 list of exploration and natural play activities. Take a photo of you achieving your favourite challenge and share it with us on Facebook or Twitter

Father’s Day Challenge


Dates: 16 June 2013 10:00am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Dads, can you keep up with your kids? How many Stowe challenges can you complete in one day? With our special Stowe explorer map try out our top 10 challenges. Take a photo of you achieving your favourite challenge and share it with us on Facebook or Twitter.

Father’s Day Fun

Ightham Mote

Dates: 16 June 2013 11:00am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)

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Father’s Day Den building


Dates: 16 June 2013 11:00am
Price: All Tickets £5
Make your Dad’s Day and bring him along on this family session to get hands-on and learn how to make a shelter in the woods Booking Essential

Fathers Day Bushcraft Trail

Chilterns Countryside

Dates: 16 June 2013 2:00pm
Price: Adult £5, Child £2
For Father’s Day why not become a Bushcraft Ranger for the Day! Bring the kids along and join the National Trust Rangers on a woodland trail. Collecting supplies on route to our base camp for the afternoon, where we will learn the skills to build shelters and campfires. We will end our mini adventure around a campfire toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate.
Booking Essential

The Bats of Mottisfont. Evening Walk.


Dates: 21 June 2013 8:00pm
Price: Adult £5, Child £2.50
Come and join us for an evening/night walk to discover the bats of the Mottisfont estate. Home to one of the rarest bat species in Britain as well as several other species, this is a chance to see and hear them in their natural habitat.
Booking Essential

Big nature night

Leith Hill

Leith Hill

Dates: 28 June 2013 9:00pm
Price: All Tickets £5 (per activity)
As the start of our Big Nature Weekend it’s all about nocturnal creatures with the opportunity to discover more about bats or moths. Join our experts to learn about how these creatures survive, navigate and feed and how to record and identify them.
Booking Essential

Big nature morning

Leith Hill

Dates: 29 June 2013 6:00am
Price: All Tickets £5 (per activity)
As part of our Big Nature Weekend an early morning start will be worth it to discover more about the wildlife at Leith Hill. Join our experts to take part in bird ringing, moth trapping or mammal surveying.
Booking Essential

Big nature day

Leith Hill

Dates: 29 June 2013 10:00am
Price: No Additional charges
As part of our Big Nature Weekend, drop in during our family friendly event to learn how to record and identify the wildlife that is found at Leith Hill; from moths, birds and fungi to reptiles, dragonflies and plants. Try your hand at making wildlife homes and other crafty activities. Refreshments available.

Wildlife Weekend – 29th & 30th June 2013

Bodiam Castle

Dates: 29 June to 30 June 2013, 11:00am to 4:00pm Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)

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The Hills are Alive

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 29 June 2013 2:00pm Price: Adult £7, Child £5
Booking Essential

Ashridge Summer Trail

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 1 July to 16 September 2013, 10:00am to 4:00pm Price: Child £1

‘Art at the Castle’ : 6th & 7th July 2013

Bodiam Castle

Dates: 6 July 2013 11:00am and 7 July 2013 11:00am
Price: Per Item £5 (Shield Painting)
Separate charges apply for the individual activities. Sheild painting charge is shown, other activity charges will be posted later in the year.

Damsels and Dragons

The Buscot and Coleshill Estates

Dates: 7 July 2013 2:00pm
Price: Adult £3, Child £1.50
Join one of our National Trust Rangers on the gentle family walk along the River Cole. We will be looking at the ecology and folklore behind these often misunderstood flying insects
Booking Essential

Family River Walk

The Buscot and Coleshill Estates

Dates: 9 July 2013 5:00pm
Price: Adult £3, All Tickets £1.50
This is a guided family activity walk to discover the wildlife and the restoration of the meanders and floodplain. You can also hunt for bugs, make mud pies and wild art.
Booking Essential

Creatures of the night

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 12 July 2013 9:00pm Price: Adult £10, Child £6 Booking Essential

The House at Pooh Corner: A summer of fun at Mottisfont.


Dates: 65 dates between 13 July 2013 and 15 September 2013
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
On show for the first time in over a decade will be 36 beautiful hand-painted illustrations by E. H. Shepard for the classic children’s books Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. A fabulous family quest trail lets you follow in the footsteps of your favourite characters around Mottisfont’s grounds, ticking of many of your ’50 Things to do before you’re 11 3/4′ as you go. Join us for special event weekends during the summer holidays.

Exhibition: The House at Pooh Corner


Dates: 56 dates between 13 July 2013 and 15 September 2013
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
An Exhibition of classic illustrations. There will also be a display of contemporary art on the theme of childhood and imagination and a distinct, fabulous family quest trail.

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Family Camping, Moths and Moonlight


Dates: 13 July to 14 July 2013, 2:00pm to 11:30am and 20 July to 21 July 2013, 2:00pm to 11:30am
Price: Adult £27, Child £17
Take part in this fantastic evening under the stars, with bat watching, moth-trapping, bug hunts, toasting marshmallows over the fire and story-telling. Please bring your own picnic for dinner, then wake up to a delicious breakfast and take part in our morning activities. Booking Essential

National Trust Community Day

Bembridge and Culver Downs

Dates: 14 July 2013 11:00am
Price: No Additional charges
Join us for a special day of free activities, trails and countryside demonstrations centred in and around Bembridge Fort. Activities include free taster tours of Bembridge Fort and some ’50 things to do’. The Rangers will be demonstrating some of their countryside skills, there will be a cake stall from the Needles Old Battery tea-room, plants from Mottistone Manor Garden and stalls and stands from local organisations.

Purple Emperor Hunt

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 14 July 2013 1:30pm Price: All Tickets £2

The House at Pooh Corner: A summer of fun at Mottisfont. Family

fun Weekend


Dates: 20 July 2013 10:00am and 21 July 2013 10:00am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Coinciding with the House at Pooh Corner exhibition this summer we’ll be having great outdoor activities throughout this weekend some of which you can tick off your 50 things list.Join us this weekend as we builg pooh-stick boats to send down the river.

Wildzone: rockpooling at Freshwater Bay

Compton Bay and Downs

Dates: 21 July 2013 2:30pm
Price: Child £3 (no charge for accompanying adults)
The Wildzone is a programme of fun hands-on activities for accompanied children aged 5-13, introducing them to wildlife and nature. Booking Essential

Summer nature trail

Bembridge Windmill

Dates: 25 July to 3 September 2013, 10:30am to 4:30pm Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)

Summer holiday adventures

Scotney Castle

Dates: 39 dates between 25 July 2013 and 1 September 2013
Price: Per Item £1 (Per activity)
Join in the adventures at Scotney Castle throughout the summer, with trails and activities available, every day is a different adventure.

Barton’s Dangerous Summer for Boys (and Girls!)


Dates: 27 July to 1 September 2013, 11:00am to 4:00pm Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
A small charge may be made for some activities.

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Make and Take Children’s Crafts


Dates: 4 dates between 29 July 2013 and 19 August 2013 Price: Child £3

Family Mondays


Dates: 6 dates between 29 July 2013 and 28 October 2013
Price: No Additional charges
Mondays during school holidays are family days at Knole – the days to take part in our free family events, to follow a brilliant trail round the courtyards and to do some of the 50 Things that will get your family outdoors and closer to nature.



Dates: 30 July 2013 10:00am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Join us for a minibeasts hunt in the landscape gardens. Free event. If you have a bug pot, then bring it along to collect your own lovely critters to study up close before releasing them back into the wild again. Please note that the minibeasting activity starts at 10:30am, but please allow half an hour to walk from New Inn to the Temple of Friendship (where the event starts).
Booking Essential



Dates: 30 July 2013 10:30am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
Join us for a minibeasts hunt in the landscape gardens.Prebooking is essential on 01280 817156This is a Free Event Normal admission charges apply
Booking Essential

Kids Activities

Smallhythe Place

Dates: 30 July 2013 2:00pm
Price: All Tickets £2.50
Age 3+. No need to book, just arrive any time between 2pm and 3.30pm £2.50 per child, there is free admission to the garden for accompanying adults and you are welcome to picnic in the grounds.

50 Things – Fly a kite

Basildon Park

Dates: 31 July 2013 10:30am
Price: Child £18 (Kite workshop)
Tickets Child: £18 for children aged from 8yrs (normal admission applies for accompanying adults) Booking Essential

Wild Wednesday – VIBs (Very Important Bugs!)


Dates: 31 July 2013 11:00am
Price: Child £2
This is a drop in session and participating children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Ideal for children between 4 and 11 years of age.

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Hidden Habitats

River Wey and Godalming Navigations and Dapdune Wharf

Dates: 5 dates between 1 August 2013 and 29 August 2013
Price: Child £2.50 (For children’s activities)
Fun and games with environmental and historical places at Dapdune Wharf. Previously everyday objects yield stories of the past ‘ uncover our hidden habitats.

50 Things – Ightham Challenge

Ightham Mote

Dates: 1 August 2013 11:00am
Price: Free event (normal admission charges apply)
This is your opportunity to set yourselves a challenge and try to complete as many things as possible. There will be a selection of organised activities, as well as the chance to go off as a family and explore estate to see how many others you can do.

Treemendous Thursdays

Sissinghurst Castle

Dates: 5 dates between 1 August 2013 and 29 August 2013
Price: All Tickets £5
Spend a couple of hours with our rangers discovering all our flora and fauna, with special focus on our magnificient trees. Fun activities for kids of all ages.

Moth trapping


Dates: 1 August 2013 8:30pm and 15 August 2013 8:30pm
Price: All Tickets £4
See the amazing variety of insects at Hughenden on this walk with the Ranger. Includes a hot drink Booking Essential

Birds of Prey Week

Claremont Landscape Garden

Dates: 29 dates between 3 August 2013 and 11 August 2013
Price: All Tickets £0.50 (Trail)
Children’s trail around the garden and craft activities in the Thatched Cottage. Static display of birds ‘ hawks, eagles, vultures and owls Two flying displays at 1pm and 3.30pm (tbc).Hawk Walks ‘ learning how to fly these magnificent birds. ‘Discover birds of Prey’ experience tent. The event will be supported throughout the week by local conservation and wildlife charities, who will be giving demonstrations of their own work in protecting wildlife and endangered habitats.
Booking Essential

Children’s Trail

Claremont Landscape Garden

Dates: 3 August to 11 August 2013, 10:30am to 4:30pm Price: All Tickets £0.50

Birds of Prey Week Craft Workshops

Claremont Landscape Garden

Dates: 5 August to 9 August 2013, 10:30am to 12:30pm Price: All Tickets £1.50

Pond dipping

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 6 August 2013 10:30am
Price: Child £3
Part of our Summer Fun Tuesdays at the Ashridge Estate. Booking Essential

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Bug Detectives

River Wey and Godalming Navigations and Dapdune Wharf

Dates: 4 dates between 6 August 2013 and 27 August 2013
Price: Child £1.50
Two one-hour sessions of bug hunting followed by a game. Book on the day, numbers limited

Summer Fun Tuesday – Kite Making

Ashridge Estate

Dates: 6 August 2013 12:00pm and 27 August 2013 12:00pm Price: Child £2
Create and decorate your own wildlife kite to take away and fly!

Kids Activities

Smallhythe Place

Dates: 6 August 2013 2:00pm
Price: All Tickets £2.50
Age 3+. No need to book, just arrive any time between 2pm and 3.30pm £2.50 per child, there is free admission to the garden for accompanying adults and you are welcome to picnic in the grounds.

50 Things – Climb a tree

Basildon Park

Dates: 7 August 2013 10:00am
Price: All Tickets £12.50 (Climb, All Tickets £6 (Crate building), zip wire and leap of faith)
Use ropes, harness and karabiners to access the canopy of magnificent tree. Take the quick exit down via a zip wire and then…. experience the leap of faith! All equipment is provided and tuition given by highly trained and experienced staff members.Prices from £6For more information see or phone 0800 0556760.Please note: In case of extremely poor weather please phone on the morning of the event.
Booking Essential

Wild Wednesday – Birds


Dates: 7 August 2013 11:00am
Price: Child £2
This is a drop in session and all participating children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Ideal for children aged 4-11.