Back Ache

I’ve had back problems for a while now. I can’t remember when they started, but things slowly came to a head a couple of weeks ago. I was in constant pain and nothing seemed to help. Add to that I was picking up colds, and the coughing set off the pains in my back again. It wasn’t fun.

I decided to try and find things that might work – my issue with my back is disc related, as well as the way my bones are in my lower back, so it’s something that exercise will fix rather than an operation or rest. So far they’re helping a lot – and I’m as surprised as anyone the difference they’ve made.

spiky massage balls

Firstly, I invested in a pair of massage balls. I put myself forward as a reflexology body in the summer and had a free session – my back felt lovely afterwards – and these massage balls follow the same principles. You roll them on your feet and every time my back stops hurting. At my pilates classes we’ve used them before doing roll down (when you touch your toes). Our teacher gets us to roll the balls on our feet (in standing position) for a minute, then try – and it works. My thinking is that if I’ve a sore back in the morning, a quick massage on my foot will help me get to the station and to my train on time! So far, so good!

Secondly, I’ve started taking Devil’s Claw – I bought some from Healthspan which are Vegetarian and Vegan friendly and almost immediately noticed the difference. They aren’t cheap, but right now I’m taking one a day (rather than the recommended two) and it’s helping a lot. They’re designed to help with back pain as well as rheumatic pain and aren’t recommended if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, or have had ulcers. Fortunately I have none of those so I’m fine. There’s also a chance you can feel drowsy afterwards, but I haven’t felt that.

PosturePlast back ache help

Finally, way back in time I was sent some PosturePlast back supports to review. They’re quite interesting. A large sticky X plaster you put on your lower back. These are helpful – I know my biggest problem is my posture when sitting down, and going into standing – I feel lopsided. With this X stuck to my back it helped me fix how I was standing and sitting, which was interesting to try – though wasn’t the most practical in day to day life. However, as a reminder of how my posture *should* be, it worked well. It sticks onto your back well as well!

Right now, after trying these I feel different – I’m back to running for things again (at one point I could barely walk), and the final thing I should mention are my running shoes – I was sent them for review at the start of the year and they’ve been the best shoes I could wish for. The support when I’ve had to run is great – I’m no runner but I know these have helped.  I’m hoping this is the way forward and things will continue to improve!

Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats

As your child gets older, you’ll find yourself in the murky world of toilet training. That part may be a breeze, but there’s still night time to think about. There are so many options out there it can be difficult to work out where to start, but one thing which is often forgotten are bed mats – the pads which protect your mattress. We were sent some Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats to try.

Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats

Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats are different to other brands we’ve tried – they have a stick and stay put edge so can be placed onto the mattress where it is unlikely to slip. We’ve found that often moving around in the night the bed mat can become dislodged which in turn could lead to accidents leaking onto the mattress – nobody wants that!

With Huggies Dry Nites you peel off the backing paper near each corner and press onto the bed. It has a good size to it, so you’re covering around half of the mattress, thus giving plenty of cover. The only downside of this I could think of would be if there was an accident and there was a lot, as potentially there are the sides of the mattress to consider – but you’ll have some idea of what your child is capable of doing and where to put the mat. The stick and stay means you’ll know where to place it.

Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mat

We also put a Bed Mat in our bed – just to see how well it stuck (honest!), and found it stayed put well, whereas other brands do slip about a bit.

I would definitely recommend the Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats, mainly as it’s something you don’t need to think about until the accident happens, you’re not having to check underneath the mattress to make sure it is in the same place and hasn’t slipped away. It lies flat underneath the top bedsheet, you wouldn’t know it was there.

Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mat

Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats come in packs of 7, and currently retail at Ocado for £3 – so look around that price. I’d say it seems expensive, but the stick and stay sections make it worthwhile.

You can read more about Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats here.

We were sent the Huggies Dry Nites Bed Mats for the purpose of review, all opinions are our own and honest.

Porridge On Tuesday – an Update

Porridge on Tuesday is a healthy eating plan I’m working with as an Ambassador.

Porridge On Tuesday logo

Porridge on Tuesday has loads of delicious recipes and is helping me organise my life at the moment – when I can’t get things done there’s still one thing that needs to be organised, and that’s food.

I went a bit off-track the last couple of weeks with trips away and other things, but I feel like I’m back and on the case. Fortunately I haven’t put on any weight in the process.

I have made a few lifestyle changes. One thing I’m going to write more about soon is sleep and my general lack of – so I now only drink coffee on weekends and Wednesday when I’m off work. When I’m at work it’s water all day – I need to stop relying on it to keep me awake.

I also haven’t been drinking as much – we’re not big drinkers but cutting out alcohol apart from once a month (when I knit) as well as the no coffee has made me feel much more alert and ‘with it’. There was an unofficial Porridge On Tuesday July dry month which I kept to pretty much, apart from when I went to York and my sister forced me to drink  a pint invited me for a drink in her pub.

One of the things I’m finding is that I can lose the weight, but I still see myself as the big girl in the background – some things don’t change. You don’t lose weight and a magic wand makes everything okay, so I’m working on the other things one at a time.

porridge on tuesday plan

ANYWAY. Without further ado, I have organised my plan for next week, starting Tuesday. Being a creature of habit I have my breakfast and lunch logged as I keep to the same things, with the Porridge on Tuesday meal ideas for the evenings, as well as healthy snacks for through the day. My plan runs from Tuesday every week and we’re out on Friday and Saturday so I haven’t planned anything specific.

Porridge on Tuesday Ocado shop

I’ve placed my Ocado order so I’m ready. We’re eating a lot of salads at the moment thanks to the previously mentioned Salad Wine Box so this makes things much easier and quicker. For me, I can see Porridge on Tuesday really working for me once H starts school and I’m finishing work at an earlier time every day – giving more time to prepare food in the evenings. While the meals I do are quicker ones I feel like a little more time will benefit us all.

I’ve kept Friday blank as we’re at Lollibop and I’ve no idea what foods will be on offer there – but I want to be healthy. I figure I’ll do plenty of walking too so I’m getting some exercising, as well as bopping to Rastamouse…

Porridge on Tuesday can be found over here.

I have been provided with twelve weeks free to use the service and give my honest opinion.

Head Lice Helpful Tips – This Is What Works For Us.

Head Lice are the bane of my life as far as things my child can catch goes. We’ve tried several methods of prevention and I figured it was time to write some Head lice helpful tips.

My head lice helpful tips won’t cost a lot either – you just need a few essentials in and you’re covered.

I hate head lice. Almost all children will experience it, especially if your child goes to nursery or preschool where they’re around other children.

A female head louse lays eggs close to the root where the scalp keeps them warm. They’re tiny and really difficult to see. After 7-10 days the lice hatch and the eggshells stay glued in place – these are nits. They become more noticeable once they’ve grown from the scalp and look a bit like dandruff but are glued to the hair.

Head lice feed by biting the scalp and feeding on blood. They take 6-10 days to become fully grown and once mature they can crawl from head to head. (taken from here)

Nitty Gritty Head lice Comb

There was a time when H had it for what felt like three months – they’d clear and she’d be reinfected, and it was so frustrating. Here’s our helpful tips to get rid :

• Get a good nit comb. We have a Nitty Gritty which is good at getting the eggs off the hair shaft. It will also occasionally pick up the lice too. I’d advise splashing out and getting the Nitty Gritty as it has been the most reliable, though it’s not easy to clean. Wet conditioned hair is the best way to get the blighters – though dry combing works too – it just hurts more.
• As well as a nit comb, I’ve found our electric Robi Comb Pro will loosen the lice from the hair – it occasionally zaps them. Working the two of these intitially will clear the hair pretty well.

Robi Comb Pro Head Lice comb - head lice helpful tips - these are good for getting the actual lice out of your hear. Scratch scratch

• Look out for the signs when your child has them. I know H may have them if she has a red patch at the back of her neck and behind her ears. You can also see little bite marks on her scalp – red blood spots. Or she’s scratching a lot…

Head lice helpful tips - bottles of Hedrin, Vosene Kids and Anovia Head On which are all reasonable and work for us.

Buying products to help the head lice stay away doesn’t come too costly either.

Poundland have sprays and shampoos in stock a lot (Anovia Head On), and I’ve spotted some Tea Tree ones that Ocado sell, also for £1 each. Vosene Kids have a spray which you can leave in the hair which I’ve found is a good preventative measure.

Hedrin is one of the popular options for head lice removal. The cheapest I’ve found is for £5, there are several kinds of treatments available.
We’ve tried a few and have found them all to be as effective as the other.

You might find your child keeps getting them. We found this happened until there was a clear break when the children don’t see each other – for example Christmas holidays. Everyone needs to get rid of the lice at the same time for them to disappear.

The good news is that head lice like any kind of hair. It doesn’t have to be clean or dirty, any hair will do. They’re not fussy, they want to feed.

I feel itchy now… do you have any head lice helpful tips you’d like to add?

Fitbug Air Progress

I’ve had my Fitbug Air pedometer almost permanently clipped to my waistband this last month and a half, and the results so far are interesting.

I’ve been using the Fitbug Air – a pedometer which sends your data by bluetooth to the Fitbug app on my iPad – where it breaks down what you’re walking into the kind of data I understand.

I’ve found there’s been occasional days when I completely forget to wear it but generally I’m doing well. On days at work I can average over 6000 steps which includes walking down the hill at lunchtime (at a fast pace, I only have 30 minutes lunch) while when I’m at home my levels drop.

Fitbug Air Weekly

The Fitbug app has had an update recently too, and I’m finding scrolling between weeks to compare my data is a lot easier. In July it looks like this :

Fitbug Air July

I can break that down into week and see a few times I’ve beaten my aerobic steps target, so it has been adjusted –  the Fitbug Air doesn’t make it easy for me and adjusts according to what I’ve done.

There is a section to put in your goals, although you can’t just do 12.2 for 12 stone 2 – it has to be in pounds, so I haven’t filled it in yet. It’d be good to have an option as more often than not I’m tired and don’t have the time to think.

Today’s steps are pretty good – see here :

Fitbug Air Today

My aerobic step count is pretty high, which I’m putting down to running like crazy for the train this morning as well as walking fast at lunchtime, the totals please me a lot and I like the breakdown of my steps.

The next thing I need to look at is nutrition, but while I’m doing Porridge on Tuesday that may be too much logging, so I’m going to leave it for now and work on my fitness. The Fitbug Air stays on my waistband and has only fallen off once (I knocked it with my hand)  which is great as I often just forget it’s there.

My next task is to work on understanding a bit more in the menus, so far it all makes a lot of sense and I’m feeling healthier exercise-wise.

I’ve been told the Android version of the Fitbug app should be launching around October time although this hasn’t been confirmed. I also realised you can’t transmit your data to your iPad from the Fitbug Air without a wireless connection – so having it compatible with my phone would be a huge bonus.

For more information about the Fitbug Air head over here.

Specsavers and Moshi Monsters

Specsavers have just announced a brand new Moshi Monsters range in their glasses in-store, featuring some of the favourite popular monsters!

ALL the way from Monstro City, kids’ favourite Moshi Monsters™ Furi, Poppet, Diavlo, Zommer, Luvli and Katsuma are appearing on their very own range of glasses. Specsavers was our destination last Saturday – H had her new prescription so we needed to order a new pair where we spotted their fine selection in-store.

Moshi Monsters Glasses at Specsavers

Available exclusively at Specsavers, the selection of eight styles for boys and girls are priced at £64, or free with an NHS voucher.

In true Moshi style the designs include a mixture of materials and eye-popping colours. Fans will also receive a free Rox token with every Moshi frame purchased to redeem on along with stickers and balloons. Our local Specsavers had Moshi masks in stock which was a nice touch – they made sure H got one as well!

Moshi Monsters Glasses at Specsavers

With over 80 million registered users across the globe, parents will no doubt be familiar with A virtual world in which kids can adopt, customise and nurture their very own pet monster. Kids can also collect Moshlings (pets for their monsters), send safe messages to friends, play games, complete educational puzzles, share artwork, customise their rooms and much more!

Luella Cristofoletto, Specsavers’ frame buyer, says: ‘I’m a mother as well and so I know how much of a phenomenon Moshi Monsters really are! Now children can have their favourite Moshlings with them wherever they are. Plus it’s another great way to show younger specs wearers that glasses can be fun. I’m sure there will be a few jealous non-specs wearing fans as well!’

Moshi Monsters Glasses at Specsavers

All frames in the range come fitted with SuperTough Trivex lenses as standard. Trivex is impact-resistant, lightweight, hard-coated and also offers 100 per cent UV protection.

Current Specsavers offers for under 16s include Kids Go Free, with eye examination free and frames in the £64 and £85 ranges free with an NHS voucher. Children choosing frames from the £64 range can also choose a second pair at £32. And for a limited period children can choose a free pair of prescription sunglasses when they choose a pair of glasses from the £64 range.

Check here for the full range of Moshi Monsters at Specsavers!

Porridge On Tuesday – Win a 12 Week Healthy Eating Plan – Giveaway

We’re Porridge on Tuesday Ambassadors, overdue an update but for now, how about a giveaway?

Porridge On Tuesday logoPorridge On Tuesday is much more than just a healthy eating plan, though that is a massive part of it. We’re well into it now and doing well (not gaining weight, and finding loads of new quick healthy recipes) – and this is your chance to have a go too.

I have FIVE to give away – so that’s a twelve week plan – which would work out at £2.50 a week, so that’s a fair bit of money saved (please don’t ask me to count right now, I’m tired) – worth a go, I’d say!

It’s a nice simple Rafflecopter entry too, so please read on. Also, POT are offering the 8 week plan for £14.95 and the 15 week plan for £25.95 – so there’s some savings already.  All you need to do is email

I’ll be posting an update on how it’s going for us soon – but until then you’ve got until the 8th August to enter – quick! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mozzie Bites – A Cheap Fix If You’re Allergic

I have some mozzie bites on my arm – I’ve just posted about the lovely skin on my legs, but I forgot about this time of year when those annoying buzzy critters like to come and chomp on me, leaving behind itchy red bumps where they’ve been. I hate mosquitos, I really do. I’ve tried almost everything to repel them and nothing works. Every year they get me.

Mozzie bites are the bane of my life in summer. I attract them and I have no idea why.

Imagine how it will be when we relocate to Australia! When I’ve been in the past I’ve had mozzie bites they swell to horrible sizes – I had to be put on antibiotics one year, with steroids the following one. I get cellulitis (which is nothing to do with cellulite, it’s to do with your arm or leg swelling up thanks to the bites) and I’ve tried everything you can possibly get over the counter.

One year Shaun’s mum bought me a cream called Stingose. I wasn’t convinced but she was aware how I reacted when I was bitten – and after a night out (with all the repellent I could get on me) and the mozzies having a good feast on me, and my skin reacting, I put some Stingose on the mozzie bites. Within a day the swelling had gone and instead I just had a bruised kind of look there. It is the stuff of miracles!


You can’t get it in the UK.

I was bitten on the shoulder four times at my knitting group. After a quick look online I found that Stingose is discontinued in the UK. I have no idea why. So I had a bit of a panic… someone must have heard of it or seen it in a chemist, so I asked around. Instead I had helpful people sending me google links (to places where it is out of stock) and helpful suggestions of other creams, but I need something I know works.

mozzie bites, styptic pencil

Then Shaun came up with the genius solution – a Styptic Pencil. It has exactly the same ingredients as Stingose – and it’s also a lot cheaper! So off I went to Boots and picked one up. Sure enough its main purpose is shaving cuts, but insect bites is listed there too.

If you’re like me and a sensitive soul then I’d recommend giving the Styptic Pencil a try – you just dab it in water and put it on the bite. Obviously I’m not a doctor so maybe do some research into it before you try. If you too are trying to find some Stingose in the UK and failing, then this is your best solution.

That and I’ve bought an Executioner which should arrive early next week. Damn critters. This is very un-vegetarian of me, I know – but I don’t eat mozzies.

I’m a Fitbug Mum

I’m a Fitbug Mum!

I’m a Fitbug mum and in my quest to stay active, the opportunity came up to try out a Fitbug Air. They currently only work with Apple products (though a Samsung Galaxy compatible version is due soon) so I’m using it with the iPad Mini at the moment and tracking my daily steps.

Fitbug mum

(yes, today so far at nearly midday I have done 59 steps)

As it tends to be with me, I’ve not read the instructions. I’ve registered (which was straightforward) and been wearing the Fitbug Air tracking my steps – missing just two days so far. Of all the pedometers I’ve used this one has stayed on the longest and not fallen off – it’s really securely fixed to the holder.

I know I need to be more active, but actually getting several ‘pink’ days (when you’ve done a good number of steps) is quite encouraging – all that running for the train is paying off! It logs your aerobic steps too which is good. I’m purposely only tracking steps to start with, as I intend to log my activities (it converts your total steps into calories) properly at my Porridge On Tuesday account.

Fitbug mum

What I’m liking the most about being a Fitbug Mum is being able to send the data on my Fitbug Air straight to my iPad using bluetooth – which means everything stays accurate.

At the moment I’m still trying to understand it (yes, I will read the instructions), but nonetheless I’m getting positive results right now. With it having such a good clip to keep it to your waistband I don’t need to hide it in my pocket either.

So yes, here we are – and I am definitely much more active now my back issues aren’t troubling me as much!

I have been sent a Fitbug Air for review, all opinions are mine.

Porridge On Tuesday – I’m An Ambassador!

Porridge On Tuesday - I am Here

Porridge on Tuesday is a new website with healthy recipes tailored to your diet and helping you organise your life (and food cupboards) – and I’m proud to announce I’m an Ambassador! If you’ve followed my weight loss challenges over the last few months then you will already know I’ve done pretty well following Weight Watchers. I didn’t make it to my target of 12 stone (I got to 12 stone 2, so I’m not beating myself up here) and I’ve been in ‘maintain’ mode for a while now.

Porridge on Tuesday is going to help me get organised. More often than not on Weight Watchers I’d stick to food I know, and I need to branch out a bit while keeping my food healthy and easy to make in a short space of time. Luckily their website is set up to do just that.

I put in all my current information – including my previous medical conditions (diabetes, high cholesterol issues) and my current weight and height, plus waistline. My ideal weight has been set at 10st 9 which is quite a lot to lose so we’ll see how we get on. I’ll be happy if I could get below 12 stone and have tastier food (disclaimer: I’m not saying Weight Watchers wasn’t tasty, we made some lovely recipes with them) – and I particularly like that you can generate a shopping list based on the recipes.

Firstly, you need to set up an account. That’s straightforward and you decide which programme you want to be on. I opted for ‘eat well and do more at my current weight’ as I don’t need to lose a lot more weight but I could use better stamina and be toned a bit more. After that you need to meal plan. That can be time-consuming, but already there have been some delicious dishes I’ve seen pictures of that I want to try. I’ve been vegetarian for 30 years, whereas Shaun and H eat meat (when Shaun cooks it) so our dishes will be vegetarian ones unless they opt for meat. It’s a simple click and drag process to choose the foods you want, and the calorie content is taken from your daily total.

Porridge On Tuesday Meal Plan

After that there’s exercise – you mark when you can do anything (I’m not sure if running for the train every morning counts, but I may well log a two-minute sprint) and you have calories set for the day.

Porridge On Tuesday overview

Unlike Weight Watchers your calories aren’t broken down into points – this is proper calorie counting and initially I’m finding myself dividing everything by 40 to work out a rough points value as it’s what I’m used to. The choice of recipes are constantly being added to, so I’m looking forward to trying some things out.

So, here we are – a new weight loss journey. I found I worked much better doing it publicly last time, so here’s hoping the good work continues!