I’ve had back problems for a while now. I can’t remember when they started, but things slowly came to a head a couple of weeks ago. I was in constant pain and nothing seemed to help. Add to that I was picking up colds, and the coughing set off the pains in my back again. It wasn’t fun.
I decided to try and find things that might work – my issue with my back is disc related, as well as the way my bones are in my lower back, so it’s something that exercise will fix rather than an operation or rest. So far they’re helping a lot – and I’m as surprised as anyone the difference they’ve made.
Firstly, I invested in a pair of massage balls. I put myself forward as a reflexology body in the summer and had a free session – my back felt lovely afterwards – and these massage balls follow the same principles. You roll them on your feet and every time my back stops hurting. At my pilates classes we’ve used them before doing roll down (when you touch your toes). Our teacher gets us to roll the balls on our feet (in standing position) for a minute, then try – and it works. My thinking is that if I’ve a sore back in the morning, a quick massage on my foot will help me get to the station and to my train on time! So far, so good!
Secondly, I’ve started taking Devil’s Claw – I bought some from Healthspan which are Vegetarian and Vegan friendly and almost immediately noticed the difference. They aren’t cheap, but right now I’m taking one a day (rather than the recommended two) and it’s helping a lot. They’re designed to help with back pain as well as rheumatic pain and aren’t recommended if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, or have had ulcers. Fortunately I have none of those so I’m fine. There’s also a chance you can feel drowsy afterwards, but I haven’t felt that.
Finally, way back in time I was sent some PosturePlast back supports to review. They’re quite interesting. A large sticky X plaster you put on your lower back. These are helpful – I know my biggest problem is my posture when sitting down, and going into standing – I feel lopsided. With this X stuck to my back it helped me fix how I was standing and sitting, which was interesting to try – though wasn’t the most practical in day to day life. However, as a reminder of how my posture *should* be, it worked well. It sticks onto your back well as well!
Right now, after trying these I feel different – I’m back to running for things again (at one point I could barely walk), and the final thing I should mention are my running shoes – I was sent them for review at the start of the year and they’ve been the best shoes I could wish for. The support when I’ve had to run is great – I’m no runner but I know these have helped. I’m hoping this is the way forward and things will continue to improve!