Win a Justin Fletcher ‘Hands Up’ album!

Hands-Up...The-Album-3D-300x260So if you’re a parent and you’re aware of Justin Fletcher (and if you are, and your child is under five, and you don’t, then is it possible you don’t own a tv?), you’re probably very much aware that he recently released an album, ‘Hands Up’. H’s favourite song this week is ‘Sailors Lament’ which is on repeat in her toddler head right now.

The album has a  TV ad! I asked if the videos on there were all full ones and we were going to see more Justin action, but alas, they’re just segments filmed especially for the ad – sigh.

To make up for that disappointment, we’ve got a copy of ‘Hands Up’ for you to win. It’s still in the Top 30 as I type, and selling really well – it’s an album your kids will love and you’ll find yourself singing along to even if you tried not to – and it’s not irritating in the process. A proper party record – in fact, I’m going to say (as I always do) that if I’d had this album back in September it’d have been perfect for H’s second birthday party.

Justin Fletcher Hands Up

Anyway, here’s your chance to win a copy. As with the last one I’ll make it easy, as we had over 300 entries which was fantastic!  The competition closes on the 23rd April 2012, so to keep it topical I think we’ll have a 23rd April themed question in there.

Don’t forget – you can join in the chat over at the Mum Friendly group, or just check for updates via the Mum Friendly page on Facebook.

A huge thankyou to Will at BMG for sending the CD for the giveaway.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Meg & Mog Giveaway!

Meg, Mog, Owl and other StoriesMeg, Mog, Owl and other StoriesHow do you fancy winning a DVD of Meg & Mog episodes? You get thirteen episodes in total (they’re nice and short too), featuring Meg, Mog and Owl on their various adventures – as well as two interactive games – The Hiccup Game and The Circus Game.

We love Meg & Mog in this house – we bought the book set recently from The Book People, and these programmes were kept so faithful to the books that original illustrator Jan Pienkowski is very much involved.

The programmes air daily on CITV, and feature the voices of Fay Ripley as Meg, Alan Bennett as Owl and Phil Cornwell as Mog.

So, what to do to stand a chance of winning? Click the Rafflecopter widget below and read on… Closes on the 17th March 2012, so you’ve three weeks!

Don’t forget – you can join in the chat over at the Mum Friendly group, or just check for updates via the Mum Friendly page on Facebook.

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Potty Training – a Guest Post from Joanne Mallon and Another Giveaway!

I’ve mentioned before the fantastic ‘Toddlers: An Instruction Manual’ by Joanne Mallon – read on – here’s a section which fits in perfectly with January’s theme…

Joanne Mallon - Toddlers An Instruction Manual

What if they won’t poo in the potty?

Some children don’t like to poop in the potty, and will hang on until they have their night time nappy on to make a deposit. Believe it or not, this is actually very common. It’s one of those subjects like nits or piles that many parents have to deal with, but very few discuss. So rest assured that this is a normal phase which many children experience, and not related to anything you have or haven’t done. And like all phases it will pass, so be patient.

Your child may seem to be physically ready and recognise the physical sensation when number two is coming, but emotionally they may still want to hold on to the nappies and not let them go just yet.

Here are a few options for ways to approach it if your child seems reluctant to ditch the nappies:

  • Do nothing
    Let your toddler have the nappies or pull-up pants and trust that he or she will move out of them when they’re ready. If they’re still using them in six month’s time, reassess.
  • Use a sticker chart to encourage more use of the loo or potty
    Stickers are a very effective motivational tool for boys and girls under five. My daughter used to put a sticker on her potty every time she used it. My son needed a bit more of an incentive, so he got to choose a new toy when he’d managed to keep the Number 2’s in the loo for a week. Use whichever motivational tool you think your child will respond to.
  • Stop buying pull-up pants or nappies
    Going cold turkey is a more drastic approach which may result in a few tears and some mess, but if you don’t have them in the house then they can’t be used. Obviously this won’t work if your child still needs them at night.
  • Use your older children as role models
Talk to your toddler about what it was like when your older children were potty training. Get your toddler to tell you how they feel about it, especially the bits they don’t like and feel anxious about. Try not to pressurise and instead focus on using the potty or loo as an achievement to be proud of.

You can buy ‘Toddlers: An Instruction Manual’ at Amazon now in paperback or the Kindle edition

Joanne has kindly donated a signed copy of ‘Toddlers: An Instruction Manual’ for one lucky Mum Friendly reader as part of January’s competition – having now read most of the book, I hope what’s above is a good taster – it’s full  of practical advice from a lot of people who’ve been through this crazy world of having a toddler and come out the other side. It’s reassuring that the madness involved isn’t something that only you will go through! There’s also some hilarious contributions from parents, with my own personal favourite being the ‘Wheels On The Bus’ part.

For your chance to win a copy signed by Joanne, comment below and let us know any crazy things your toddler has done. The closing date for this one is February 14th, though I can’t guarantee the draw will be done that day (though we’re not ones to celebrate V-Day)!
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Potty Training – Dry Like Me Pads and a Giveaway

Dry Like Me pads are great. We received a sample at the Brighton Baby Show, and having shown them to a few mum friends now everyone is pretty much in agreement – it’s a great idea and why wasn’t it thought of sooner?
Essentially the pads are like panty liners, designed to catch a wee at the early stage – something we’ve become more than aware of since we’ve started potty training – H will start to do a wee, feel the wet and tell us in a kind of get-me-to-the-toilet-now tone of voice. That’s one set of pants plus some trousers that need to be changed, and after a while the washing starts to mount up. This is where the Dry Like Me pads come in – they sit in the pants, and when they get that first bit of wee, the bit I like to now call the ‘two minute warning’, they’re aware and even better, their pants and trousers (or whatever they’re wearing) aren’t spoiled at the same time!

For pooey accidents you can place a pad in that area too – it’s not just for wee.

We think they’re fab – H has been sent to nursery with a box, which baffled a lot of the staff, but they get it! A box has 18 pads which isn’t a huge amount, though truthfully you’ll probably find you might only need a box or two and they cost less than a pack of nappies (which probably have around the same amount in them!).

The added bonus is that if your little one is a bit leaky at night, these can help, if they’re likely to wake themselves up and realise; though they’re definitely not nappy replacements. You also get a little pouch to carry them around with you. We’ve found them most effective at naptimes or times when she might forget she needs to go (ie, if she’s playing with friends) – and even better, I’ve a box to give away, plus five sample packs.

To stand a chance of winning we wont make you work too hard, just tell us as a comment here why some ‘Dry Like Me’ pads would be a good thing – one lucky winner will win a box, the runners-up will win a sample. You can buy ‘Dry Like Me’ in most supermarkets – though we’ve found they tend to be the bigger ones. Sainsburys and Asda have both had them on offer quite recently, so they’re worth looking out for. Also, if you’re not already following them on Facebook, their link is below – tell them we sent you! We’ll draw the winners at the end of January, so you’ve a couple of weeks to enter!

Follow Dry Like Me on Facebook

The Dry Like Me Official site with tons of information and a handy pdf guide

December’s Giveaway

This time we’ve two more DVDs – this time they’re both Peppa Pig ones – again kindly donated by Entertainment One, for you to do your best to win.

P1040286-300x225 The two DVDs are Peppa Pig ‘International Day’ plus more, and Peppa Pig ‘My Birthday Party’ – both feature loads of episodes (10-11 per disc), and are the more recent episodes of the show.

The competition? Well, it’s Christmas, so this time I’ve decided to be a bit more generous – while I’ve only two DVDs, we’re going to pick two winners this time – and there’s plenty of opportunities to have a go.

Here’s several ways you can enter –
• Tell me in a comment below your best joke which would go in a Christmas Cracker.
• Like the Mum Friendly Page and the Mum Friendly Group on Facebook, and let me know you’ve entered the competition by tagging either in a post, so I can see you’ve entered (and do feel free to join in the chat)
• Follow Mum Friendly on Twitter – username MumFriendlyJo and retweet this competition link (and let me know, so I can keep a record!)
• Submit a review on the Mum Friendly site – you need to go to the place linked, but you don’t need an account to post.
• Tell Your Friends!

There’s a few ways to enter, anyway…

As before, H will pick a winner from her Tiny Tears Sleeping Bag – we’ll miss Christmas, so it’s going to be a New Year thing – we’ll aim for the 30th December to pick the entry, to get it posted as soon as possible after that… TWO winners, okay? Two!

Good luck!

November’s Giveaway

The lovely people at Entertainment One have given us some DVDs for a giveaway, there’s two Humf titles, and one Peppa Pig.

Peppa Pig and Humf DVD's

If you’d like to try win these, we’d love you to do a couple of things. Mum Friendly is about sharing information about places that you’d tell your mum friends – please submit a review (you don’t have to create an account to do this).

If you’re on Facebook, are you signed up to the Mum Friendly Page and Group? Please post on your wall the following “I just entered @Mum Friendly’s Competition to win some DVD Goodies – head over to” and if you can get any friends to join the group, consider it an additional entry. If they place a review too, then there’s a third.

If you’re on Twitter and tweet a link to this page, that can be another…

So there’s four chances to win some lovely DVDs just in time for Christmas. Please leave a comment to this entry, and each entry will be allocated a number. In the interest of fairness, Holly will pick a number from Tiny Tears’ Sleeping Bag on the 1st December 2011 (at around 5pm), and I’ll announce the winner that evening!

If you’ve not met Humf, let me tell you more. He’s a three year old furry thing, short and round and purple and cuddly and the stories are all charming – all narrated by Caroline Quentin too. Here’s a brief from Wikipedia as an episode summary “In general, plots are centred around Humf and his exploration of the world. An example would be when Humf and his friends go to the park and see litter on the floor. They discuss it and then start to pick it up and put it in the bin with increasing vigour. Humf’s mum inturrupts when he goes to pick up a banana skin and explains that to be safe they should not attempt to pick up all litter as some is yucky.” It’s all quite charming stuff, and you’ll be singing the theme before you know it… The two DVDs are ‘Humf and the Big Boots’ (includes two bonus episodes), and ‘Humf and the Fluffy Thing’ (which includes a bonus disc with six more episodes!).

Does Peppa Pig really need any introduction? Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her younger brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. This DVD is ‘Princess Peppa and Sir George The Brave’ – and if you’re a Ben and Holly fan, then there’s also an exclusive episode included on the DVD – ‘The Frog Prince’. This DVD dates back to 2009, so it may well have been broadcast – but we love them all, so it’s a good bonus! Peppa episodes include ‘Rainbow’, ‘Princess Peppa’, ‘The Camper Van’, ‘Work and Play’ – there’s ten in total.

Good luck!

Thank you again to Entertainment One for donating these DVDs. December has more DVD goodness to come…

Congratulations to Charlotte at Mummy Fever who won – we missed Saturday’s post, so the DVDs will be on their way to you next week!