I was approached and asked if I’d like to review the Hollywood Photobooth app, and after reading the press release I absolutely had to – as it looks like a lot of fun (H wanted to join in too). Several costumes from various Hollywood films, and you can photograph yourself ‘wearing’ them? I’m sold!
My only photo taking gadget is my iPod – what can I say? To choose an outfit, then turn the camera and point it at me, or to point it at someone else is pretty good fun. Also, you get some fun facts about each costume. One niggle, if you scroll too quickly through each costume on my iPod, I found it would often crash the app – so I found loading it then waiting for half a minute seemed to help. My iPod was bought in April so still fairly new – be aware of this.
The press release mentioned Dorothy’s blue gingham dress from The Wizard of Oz, and I was sold – I’m a sucker for that film (see also: The Sound Of Music). Alas, you don’t get that costume to stick your head on, but hopefully soon… I did see Mamma Mia for the first time recently… and I reckon this could be good fun at parties…
The V&A will bring the glamour of the Hollywood Costume exhibition to app users this autumn with Hollywood Photobooth, a new camera overlay app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Hollywood Photobooth will allow anyone to instantly ‘wear’ the costumes as immortalised by some of the most iconic film characters from a century of Hollywood filmmaking.

a spot of Charlie Chaplin followed by Meryl Streep in Out Of Africa…
This light-hearted and playful app features 16 specially photographed costumes ranging from Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp suit, to Viola de Lesseps stunning dress, headdress and jewellery in Shakespeare in Love worn by Gywneth Paltrow. Users can also adorn their costume with essential accessories: from the Blues Brothers’ cool ensemble with the all-important sunglasses and hat to the combat armour of Gladiator’s Maximus worn by Russell Crowe. Right up-to-the-minute, the app also includes costumes from the latest movie releases such as the dress worn by Keira Knightley in Anna Karenina.

Photos taken by Hollywood Photobooth can be shared via email, Facebook and Twitter.
Hollywood Photobooth has been created in partnership with Ribui, a leading digital publisher specialising in the creation of augmented reality and 3D apps and interactive books for smartphones and tablets.
EDITED TO ADD – the latest update is now compatible for iPad 1 – you can use photos in your library – so everyone can play!
Hollywood Photobooth is available at the App Store now – for only 69p!
We received a code to review the app, all opinions are ours and honest.