A Day Of No Technology – The Results:

I passed. Just. No internet is interesting. I rely on it a huge amount – from checking if trains are running to times if we go out, so having Shaun check (and not even let me look at the computer) was interesting – I prefer to do it all myself so had to let him do it instead – and as he told me various times I couldn’t understand it – I’m definitely someone who needs to see things to understand them.

I only had one text. Shaun took charge of my phone (I put it on silent), and I think as most of my friends knew I was doing this that might text me, they just got in touch with Shaun instead.

Emails. I have loads. On Friday night I unsubscribed from places I’ve been signed up with, but just delete the mails without reading which I should have done a long time ago. That, or places I’m subscribed under multiple addresses. I still had about 250+ emails to go through this morning, though none were urgent, and all were easily dealt with.

I noticed how much I look at something and think “ooh, must Instagram that!” (like I’ve got some huge audience checking my photos, when I probably get 2-3 likes per picture – I’m fine with that btw – it’s just funny how I felt like I needed to document so much!). I also had a few messages I was due that hadn’t arrived, and there was no way other than electronically I could get them (Shaun checked a Facebook message, but only remembered to tell me tonight). These days it’s email or Facebook or texts or even phone calls, and in the past it was just hoping a message would get to the person before we all had mobiles.


If I was to compare today versus yesterday, then having internet has been something we couldn’t have managed without. My phone is useless (I can’t even post on Facebook on it – though can upload photos), the internet is slow apart from the app to check bus times (occasionally) but I’ve come to rely on it. When we were out and about I could use Wifi to find out train times home and bookshops near where we were to shop, and had I done the challenge today I’d have failed (or would still be in Central London with Shaun and H wanting to kill me).

Having said that, there were things which are our everyday lives I had to cram into Friday night – doing two washloads, getting some bread made in the breadmaker and so on – and on getting home on Saturday we all opted for soup, but only had time to use the Soup Maker, so Shaun had to do it – in fact, he had to make breakfast (toaster, coffee maker – we’re out of instant coffee) and lunch (toasties in the George Formby grill) – and it’s the little things we own to make our busy lives easier which we’d have really missed. Poor Shaun!

I missed playing Solitaire on the iPad last thing at night, though finished knitting my new hat (and wore it today!), so I achieved something from yesterday. Also, H and I did a spot of Finger Knitting (which I then insisted Shaun took a photo of for my Project 365 photo for yesterday) – she was a natural and had the patience for it too which was nice – we’ve since done more because it’s fun – I think I’ll be getting the bobbin out in the coming week to let her do it properly.

H had her nursery open morning and review, and I found some information on the walls I’d forgotten about (TfL’s Road Safety for 3 year olds and upwards), which I wanted to text to myself as a reminder – but instead had to rely on my memory, which didn’t let me down. I just signed her up, anyway.

We went to Ikea. We had an argument about a lightbulb. I’d like to think this was because we were in Ikea rather than it being about a lack of technology – and Shaun used his card or we paid with cash. In fact, the only time which could have been borderline fail was when I used the code to get into nursery – as it’s an electronic pad. Sorry. I could have knocked until we were let in (or asked Shaun to key it in), but it didn’t cross my mind.

So, would I do this again? Maybe. I found it was worse in the evening – around this time – when I’m online more. Through the day was fine and easily forgotten about. Not taking photos was hard. I didn’t realise how much I relied on technology. I didn’t get around to starting my Peter Hook book, and not being online I missed the announcement about the My Bloody Valentine album (though I’d probably not have been able to buy it anyway seeing as their website crashed). I saw a newspaper headline with the words “Gazza” and “dying” and wanted to google it (rather than buy The Sun), but had to wait until today.

So yes, I might give this another go in the summer, or when it’s a bit warmer. Does anyone else fancy the challenge? Come on, it’s fun! (and all your friends will ask you why too)


  1. Brilliant, well done Jo! It’s amazing how essential things like iPads and smartphones seem to be now when we didn’t have them at all 5 years ago.


    1. It was fun! Thank you for tagging me, I was well up for the challenge – and it was still difficult at times.

      It is funny – how did mums with kids make their connections on trains in London before phones? I’d have lasted five minutes!!


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