Pointless Mini Game from University Games

We’re big Pointless fans in this house – and often play along if it’s on tv. When we were given the chance to review University Games’ Pointless Mini Game, of course we went for it.

Pointless Mini Game

The Pointless Mini Game works too. I wasn’t sure how the format of Pointless would work in a game, but it does. There are loads and loads of questions too – so less chance of you remembering the answers.

Pointless mini game scoresheet example

The game includes your main questions, cleverly in a holder which covers up the answers at the bottom of the card – you can’t turn over the card as there are more questions there. You get a pad to write your answers down on and that’s it.

Pointless Mini Game category Music

So, for example, question 1 has anagrams – you have five options. Christmas number ones, with the year. It says the game is suitable for age 12 and up, but H (age 8) got one of these straight away. Mind, I’d recommend anyone H’s age is part of a team.

Other options include initials of people or things, and titles of things with every other letter missing.

The good thing is that the quizmaster can be anyone too and you’re still part of the game.

Pointless Mini game category cities

The five answers are at the bottom of the card. Once you have written down your guess, the quizmaster reveals the answers. The Pointless score is there, and whoever has the lowest score, wins. Repeat for six rounds and that’s it.

The Pointless Mini Game works too. We played a few games yesterday, it was one of those days where you stay inside as it was getting chilly. This was by far our favourite – there was enough variety it was difficult for us all and just like Pointless, some of the most pointless answers were a big surprise.

The Pointless Mini Game is available via Amazon for just £6.99 – and I think it’s a bargain! Here’s the page on University Games.

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